Don't Sing In Church


New Member
So this is the second Sunday I've going to church with DH. I don't sing with everyone else...don't really know why, I feel self-conscious, kinda fake if I sing, I'm not really feeling it. I've been to church before but have never felt like they were "my" church. We all know going to church and being a member aren't the same. Would you sing anyway? Is it rude NOT to sing with everyone else? I will sing if it's considered rude not to. DH says sing if you want to or don't sing if you don't want to.
Do you feel comfortable in the church otherwise? Maybe you feel uncomfortable being you really don't like the church? I don't think there's anything wrong with not singing, though I love it myself. :yawn:
Do you feel comfortable in the church otherwise? Maybe you feel uncomfortable being you really don't like the church? I don't think there's anything wrong with not singing, though I love it myself. :yawn:

good question. I do think I like it. Today was only my second time. I am a point where I am truly trying to learn and see the value in my life of church. I have gone to church in the past and just had bad experiences. I know this all stems from the first memories I have of church, when I was a child and I went at the behest of my mother's friend. We were poor and I remember feeling very left out because I didn't have nice clothes and I didn't know anyone and I didn't know the church, I wasn't raised as having it part of my life, so it's always has been foreign to me. So I grew up and decided it wasn't for me, nope, don't need it, I can be a spiritual, religious person and not have church. I still believe this but I now feel like "is church really that bad, can't there actually be some really good things about being part of a church community." I guess the truth is than I still don't "get it" if you no what I mean. I don't get church but I'm trying to, and I think that is why I don't sing right now. But I do sing in my head though and I move with the music :grin: