Don't MOST Women Wet Their Hair Daily?


Well-Known Member
I just had a revelation that may be the end to my dry hair problems. It seems that most women of all ethnicities wet their hair everyday, whether to wash it or just conditioner wash. Maybe our hair is dry because we've gotten programmed into washing only every week or every two weeks. I'm going to start conditioner washing every day and see what happens...
When I began to conditoner wash everyday.. my hair instantly got healthier.. it was like a complete different set of hair from what I previously had.
caligirl said:
I just had a revelation that may be the end to my dry hair problems. It seems that most women of all ethnicities wet their hair everyday, whether to wash it or just conditioner wash. Maybe our hair is dry because we've gotten programmed into washing only every week or every two weeks. I'm going to start conditioner washing every day and see what happens...

This makes alot of sense. Andre Walker who is Oprahs stylist stated in his book that water was the ultimate moisturizer.
Hey, when you guys CO-wash everyday, do you find that your hair gets really soft?? LIke...almost TOO soft??

I was asking because I naturally have very fine hair (runs in my family) and even though my hair is soft, it's so fine and fragile. When I would CO-wash often (about 2x/week) my hair would get almost TOO soft. Now, maybe this is just me and maybe I wasn't using the right conditioners, but I was wondering if anyone else has had a side-effect of "soft" hair after CO-washing.
If your hair is too soft then it sounds like a side-effect of 'overconditioning' or overmoisturizing. so just keep that in mind. As far as wetting the hair daily. I wish i had the time and energy to co-wash everyday cause i do believe it would cause it to grow faster. but i don't feel like it! But I do use the UBH dew mist every single morning and sometimes at nite. I think that is 'hydrating' my hair before i add my moisturizer to it. it works.
I can't cope with daily CW, so I tried twice weekly! This worked for a while until I started doing twice daily spritzing with distilled water. For me this was a better alternative to CW, which keeps my hair clean and conditioned. I now only do conditioner washes occasionally, usually when I am going somewhere special at short notice.

Twice daily water spritzs have a similar result as CWs. The only difference is drying your hair. With spritzs you use less water and it dries quicker. With CWs these can be time-consuming in terms of drying your hair in a hurry.
But both leave my hair conditioned and moisturised.

Water is a very good conditioner, my son always wets his hair in the shower and his hair is in good condition and grows at a very fast rate.

Candycane044 said:
When I began to conditoner wash everyday.. my hair instantly got healthier.. it was like a complete different set of hair from what I previously had.

ditto. I made this discovery one month before I found this forum. Then when I found out about conditioned wash. That really grew my hair.
Nuh uh....not my hair! If I wet my hair daily, the natural oils that are in my hair will get stripped, leaving my hair dry as a bale of hay! I have to let the natural oils have time to do it's thing. Then, when it gets too oily, I have to wash it.
I was just thinking about this topic since I have braids now.

I just decided that I am going to rinse my braids at least 3-4/wk and use a foam leave-in afterward. My scalp and hair have been thanking me for it every since!
Yeah same. My hair feels like dried seaweed when I let it air dry. And washing it too often makes my hair shed. So frustrating, I would love to just co-wash and braid up at night. :(
caligirl said:
I just had a revelation that may be the end to my dry hair problems. It seems that most women of all ethnicities wet their hair everyday, whether to wash it or just conditioner wash. Maybe our hair is dry because we've gotten programmed into washing only every week or every two weeks. I'm going to start conditioner washing every day and see what happens...
i think you could be right. my mom sprays her hair with surge, gylcerin and water everyday and keeps it wrapped in cling film all day long. she says her hair is the softest its ever been in her whole life. and she can comb through it with no breakage at all. she's 4a. when she takes off the plastic wrap for more than an hour the whole thing dries out completely and gets hard to manage again.
I've never tried it daily, but it seems to make sense. Wet doesn't have to equal wash either. Spritzing is fine. I think the primary reason women with ethnic hair stopped washing daily was when everyone was using shampoo, and harsh ones at that.. Prell, Head and Shoulders, etc. Conditioner washes have saved my hair.....
Daily CW didn't work for me personally. My hair takes far too long to dry and there is no way I can walk around with wet hair the whole day (almost). Plus it made my hair dry and tangly. I do wet my hair ends with my wet hands in the morning though, just to revive the curls. I also moisturize my hair mornings and evenings with some conditioner or olive oil.
I stick to normal washing twice a week or once a week, sometimes just with conditioner and sometimes with shampoo and conditioner. Most important for me to combat dryness are regular deep conditioners.
I have been cowashing everyday for months now and my hair is healthier than ever. I never knew just how good water could be for my hair and my body.
I con wash everyday. My ends are never dry and I don't get splits or breakage. I even had braids in for 4mths and went weeks between washes and didn't condition it ever(and blowdried!) and my ends were still fine since I had been doing daily co washes before the braids. I also baggie my hair at night after coating the ends with conditioner. So YAYY for CO washes :clap:
i spritz my entire head every morning with water and light strawberries and cream conditioner. i wash my hair twice a week and this has helped tremendously.
asphyxxia said:
i think you could be right. my mom sprays her hair with surge, gylcerin and water everyday and keeps it wrapped in cling film all day long. she says her hair is the softest its ever been in her whole life. and she can comb through it with no breakage at all. she's 4a. when she takes off the plastic wrap for more than an hour the whole thing dries out completely and gets hard to manage again.
That does not sound very good. Hair should not completely dry out just because they are out of a plastic wrap.
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Wetting my hair daily was one of the first things I started doing that showed an amazing improvement. I think everybody should have a water spritzer bottle with some special ingredients in it or just plain distilled water. It really does wonders for the hair. I found that I would rather just spritz daily.... daily co washes cause me to have to comb daily and I dont like that. I used to do something that hairlove came up with...(by the way, where the heck is she? I miss her pics and ideas..) I'd put my hair in a braid or two and co wash it with a solution of VO5 Strawberries & Cream Condition and water and just stand under the shower and squeeze and rinse the braids out. That was cool, but then I stopped that too.