"Don't go shopping for Haircare products without me" by Paula Begoun...anyone read it


New Member
I just checked it out from the library and I found my self soo annoyed while reading it....

She is very negative and talks down about everything...

SHe is anti-natural products saying that they don't do anything for the hair, and are just gimmicks, and says she'd rather use synthetic ones...Then the ones she listed, from my recent research (and good info from this board) are toxic!

She then gives reviews on products based on their ingredients and claims made, but not Largely on testing on hair! (Some she did, but not all)

The only good point she makes is that Salon Products are not better than drugstore products, and in most cases have the exact same formulations.
Alot of us on here know that already....It's all marketing and advertising...
I haven't read her book but I've been on her site and some things that you mentioned I didn't agree with either.
I agree there is useful info there, Macherieamour. I'm glad I read it but it still annoyed me! lol
I never read it....but I remember her calling out Wanakee's hair oil for it just being some synthetic cheap thickeners, and not even oil....I looked at the ingredients, and there wasn't one bit of oil in it, lol

I know it's probably very negative, but like Macherieamour said, I'm sure there's some very useful and eye opening info.
i actually own that book but i never got past the first few pages because like someone said her pics are based on the ingredients and not testing them. And um er uhhhh salon quality products are indeed better than drugstore...i don't care who disagrees...it really is. i've never been natural but i guess i believe that this may not be the case for naturals. O/T like as an example of ingredients not meaning everything. Everyone knows that Dawn dishliquid is the best to use, but if you compare the ingredients to Sundrop or Joy the ingredients are exactly the same. So having high quality ingredients and the right amount does have an effect on how well a product works for your hair.
I flipped through a friend's copy years ago, but I don't really remember much about it. Does she update it every few years or so?
macherieamour said:
I read it. It is really negative. But if you can sift past the negative vibe, theres a lot of useful info there

I agree! There is useful information to be had.
I read this too. I didn't feel that she was negative at all. But I can see how one can get that vibe. I thought the book gave wonderful information and facts. Especially about Loreal (Kerastase).

BUT i have to say I totally disagree about salon and drugstore stuff.