I've always wanted to ask: Are folks using two or three new products at the same time? I'm a newbie too, but I haven't been buying much because it I only *test* one new product at a time. (I test more than once unless the product takes my hair out.) I haven't had much time to buy a lot of stuff.

When I do buy, I stick with small, sample sizes. The recession took a BIG bite out of my income and I can't afford to drop $12-$15, plus shipping for something that might not work on my hair.
You are so on point in concept; the thing is that not everything works the same for every one. So it's nice to have a recommendation list but, the only way to find out what works for your hair is by trial and error

I just want to stress to any newbie to concentrate on learning new healthy methods when doing your hair.

There are some fundamentals that I think every newbie needs to consider:
1) what results are you looking for for your hair
2) what state is your hair in now, and what does it need...moisture, protein, a trim, less heat etc.

The products are not as important as how well you treat your hair. Remember treat your hair like fine silk and it will thank you!!!!

Chile I did the same thing I have so much stuff Oh my gosh I can open a store, I just gave a lot of it away. Most of the products you have are staples all of the oils are keepers and the essential oils you can alway always find uses for them as well.
I think the recession will stop a lot of bandwagons or at least slow them down and followers of bandwagons for the forseeable future.
i have so much stuff its crazy. but i like shopping for products so i dont see me stopping anytime soon.
this is a good point, but if i did not try items, i don;t think i would have found what works best for my cabello.
I don't think people would go so crazy if they stop and remember that they've had their hair their whole life. At some point something you've used in the past probably worked for you, whether it was a shampoo or a moisturizer. That should be your starting point. Remember what you've used before that made your hair feel good and try to pinpoint why it worked. That way you can base your new purchases on that information instead of trying new things just because it's popular on the board.
OP I agree with you, but only to a certain extent. IMO I think jumping on bandwagons will break a sister, but had I not bought half of what I did, I wouldn't have found the best products for my hair. Since we all have different hair types and needs, it takes trial and error to find the perfect products for your hair. Even though, I have some things that I really don't need. I've found my staples in the process.
Thanks girly....I spent tons of money of stuff, I didn't use or didn't need and I could brought me a coach bag!!!!!! But yea, LHCF can dry you out.....but one thing I will say about this site, if it was not for this site, I wouldn't have known about hairveda, shescentit, hydratherma naturals, OCT, Gro-aut, MN, Ayurveda products, coconut oil, and I just ordered some MT(I haven't tried it yet), so I may have spent the money but I found some great keepers.....I won't make MN a staple, but I'm just using it right now......I feel you though....

I could've bought 4 or 5. :look: I wish I was joking. :look:
I wish someone would have started a thread like this when I joined. Newbies, you better listen!!! I get sick thinking about how much money I have spent since finding this board.
I already own way too much. But it's all good stuff and working for me.
I found that my hair likes the expensive stuff. That's not so good though.

When I joined I complained of dryness. No more, those products took care of that problem.
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Thanks for this thread. Right now I feel so lost because I've never used any products on my hair before. I'm almost thirty and I never learned how to do my hair! I've always kept it in a ponytail with some gel and relaxed every couple of years. Right now I decided is the time that I learn to do my own hair rather than depend on a stylist. I've learned a lot so far but i know I've got a long way to go. Thanks to everyone who posted!
I could actually take just a sixth of those products and be good. Bandwagons and whatnot can break a girl. Good of you to post this. I'd just say stay away from the bandwagons. I think technique is more important than products when it comes to hair care. If you're weak... don't go into any product threads focus on technique/method/how to threads and you'll be good.
Just bumping this reminder for myself mainly