Don't care for the Sedu... Am I alone?


New Member
I purchased a Sedu iron about a year ago along with my Chi turbo. I hear great reviews on the Sedu but I don't like it at all. I use my Chi because the grip is better and it doesn't burn u in the process of holding it. Plus the hair comes out smoother and straighter with the Chi turbo. My question is, am I the only one that does not like the Sedu?
I purchased a Sedu and hated it. It burned my hair and my friend's hair on the lowest setting. I have since purchased a Chi and have had no problems with it.
I bought a Sedu for overseas travel, the one that has the prongs for electrical outlets in Europe. I have a T3 for the US which I love. The Sedu, though I will still use it overseas if needed, is not as good. My hair doesn't get as smooth and silky and the plates just seem so extremely hot to me. It kind of scares me.