Dominican Salons and the infamous blowout!


New Member
Just how safe is a blowout? Many of the women I see at the DS have very long and healthy looking hair. However, they appear to have the hottest appliances (both hooded and blowdryers). LAst time I went my regular stylist was not there as she was in the D.R. on vacation. Another girl styled mine. I told her to blow out the roots only, and she did but the way she angled the dryer I felt she was hitting more than just roots. My ends were alittle split the next day so I gave myself a dusting. I am trying to stretch out my relaxer, and my local non-Domincan styist won't let me go that long without putting up a major fight about the dangers of two textures and breakage. I wonder if it's better to just get the touch up and not have to deal with those hot Dominican dryers.