Dominican Relaxer Pics inside

cat eyes

New Member
Oh ladies I've stumpled on to something!!! Last night I went to get my hair relaxed at the dominican salon. I've never had her relaxed by hair just washed and rollerset. I never get the blow out, when I go. Sometimes I want to, but that is way to much heat for me!!!

First thing they do is comb your hair out from root to tip, and I had tons of new growth so that hurt!!:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

I'm glad I based my hair at work, because she did not base me!!! When she was putting on my relaxer, she was very soft and gentel with my hair. I was very suprised!!!

When she was done putting on the relaxer, I was wondering is she going to work more in my roots??? (she did at the shampoo bowel)

So I went to the bathroom to check it out. She twisted my front pieces of hair up on my head so my hair was touching a little bit of the relaxer, that is a no no for me. So I took it down.

When I came out of the bad room,he looked at me and thought I work the relaxer in. I did a little bit in the front.:ohwell: She got mad, and started to speak spanish...:lachen:

I told her here I do not like any of the relaxer touching my hair that is out!!!

After that we were cool. I love the way the relaxer feels and how my hair took to it.

Sarlem no lye relaxer is what she used. I will be using this relaxer for now on.Here are the pictures.



I didnt know that there was DS in Houston, where is it at....I wanna get a blow-out one day?
Thank you ladies for the comments... I really like to way it turned out too.

It is very soft and silky!!:grin:

I'm trying to find a picture of the relaxer. It is made my Sarlem the name is deep inpact relaxer. Let me see!!!
Oh see also used Alter Ego leave in before she rolled me up too. Let me a picture of that too!!!
Looking good 'hair buddy'!
I'm glad you spoke up about her technique. Too many of us go to the salon and lose the nerve to speak up.

Its YOUR hair, ladies! Don't let anyone ruin your hard work:D
cateyes, your hair came out really nice! :grin:

I don't understand why she didn't base you, that is such a basic step. I would point that out next time. Also, there was no need for combing your hair out like that. All she needed to do was part it and get to work. I remember that happened to me once when my usual hairdresser wasn't in and I went to someone else. Ooooh that hurt! I was cursing ole girl out in my head! Thankfully I don't go to that salon anymore.
Your turned out really nice! I am glad you told them about the relaxer touching hair left out. I love when they go to talking another language. :lachen:
Your hair came out great!!! I can't wait til' I'm brave enough to go back to a salon I'm also glad she didn't ruin your hair and all the work you put into it.:yep:
Very pretty! Glad you stood up for yourself and told her what you wanted and didn't want. That's tough sometimes. I have that problem at times, and I always wonder why. I'm paying my money to have my hair done, so I should be able to tell the person what I want, but it ain't always easy:rolleyes:.
Day two...still holding up!! Thank you ladies from the comments!!!:grin:

I still can't find a picture of that relaxer!!!!!:spinning::spinning::spinning:



Little momma wanted to tell all the ladies that you are sooo sweet to her, and thank you!!!
Hey lady! Your hair looks GREAT!! :yep: Btw, your daughter gets cuter and cuter with every new pic...such a pretty girl.
Okay, Im convinced. Your hur looks purty.:yep:

There is a domincan salon very close to me...I have just been to chicken to go in there even for a blow out...
Maybe I will stop by there and ask them what kind of relaxer they use.
Thank you ladies for the comments... I really like to way it turned out too.

It is very soft and silky!!:grin:

I'm trying to find a picture of the relaxer. It is made my Sarlem the name is deep inpact relaxer. Let me see!!!
Oh see also used Alter Ego leave in before she rolled me up too. Let me a picture of that too!!!

Your daughter is so beautiful... Its hard to look at ur hair when her pic is right there lol...