Dominican Products: Too Harsh For Your Hair???


New Member
After reading some of our posts, I decided to make this thread. Do you find that Dominican products, conditioners, relaxers, shampoos, leave-in treatments, don't quite work for your hair? Do you find them harsh? I do and thought I was just using them wrong.
Do you find that Dominican products, conditioners, relaxers, shampoos, leave-in treatments, don't quite work for your hair? Do you find them harsh? I do and thought I was just using them wrong.

Well, I would never use the relaxers because I heard they are like a US super relaxer on steroids. I heard the shampoos were harsh/clarifying as well, so I have never wanted to try them. The products are diverse in their ingredients, so there are some I have success with and others I didn't. None of the ones I like had harsh ingredients, but the Capilo conditioners for some reason all acted like protein on my hair, possibly due to petroleum. I do like dominican light protein dcs though. The Tropical conditioners were meh, not worth repurchasing for me. Boe, nacidit and D'fina are like buttah to my hair.

Leave ins I used were Silicon Mix, Lady Fior avocado/Olive Oil & Lacio Lacio. I dropped Lacio Lacio after I used up the last of my mink oil ones and found salerm 21:reddancer:. Lacio Lacio was the opposite of harsh for me. Lady Fior Avocado was trashed after a couple uses when I noticed formaldehyde and it dried my hair out after a couple days.Lady Fior Olive Oil wasn't harsh, but I never repurchased as I started to find better things for me. Silicon mix I like in the summer, but must be clarified out. Oh and I forgot sedal ceramidas leave-in. Hated it- gave ceramides a bad name for a minute.

Overall, I think it depends on the individual product and hair.
Well, I have never used the relaxers and don't plan to. But I do love my Dom products. I mainly use the conditioners. Some of my favs are Miss Key Wheat Germ, Nacidit Olive Oil, Silicon Mix, 10 en 1, Emergencee, Noni, Romero, Lacio Lacio, Lady Flor Olive Oil. There are a couple others that I use, but can't think of them right now. I use these products more than I use my Aveda DR. I especially love the price.
i loooooooooooooooooooove salerm 21 leave in. i like capilo sole and cinomon. miss key and silicon mix didnt work for me at all.
i loooooooooooooooooooove salerm 21 leave in. i like capilo sole and cinomon. miss key and silicon mix didnt work for me at all.
I have sole y cinnamon in my hair right now :laugh: I'm a Dominican PJ and LOVE quite a few of the dc's, rinses and leave ins. Just like with domestic products, not everything is going to work, and not all have good ingredients. There are some I can only use during certain times to achieve favorable results like SM, when I texlaxed, I couldn't use it on freshly treated hair because it worked better on 6 wks or more post hair. Una Bomba I favor in the summer, etc...overall though, these products definitely boosted my hair growth last year. I don't think I'd be where I am now without them :)
I have only used conditioners like Miss Keys 10 en 1 and Salerem 21

both worked really great and the conditioner is especially great, never had problems. I cant comment on the shampoos
I love dominican conditioners...11 en uno,silicon mix,esperma de ballena-fantastic! My hair is also thriving well on products from Italian companies used in Dom salons like Alter ego-my hair is really getiing a boost from their conditioners.
I love Dominican hair products!!

I've never used the relaxers before, but I really love the conditioners, leave-ins and the rinses!

I just ordered several conditioners a couple of days ago! :look:

I've only encountered two dom conditioners that didn't do anything for my hair----the Whale Sperm and the Praital Silk Worm Cream. But that's two out of so many more that my hair LOVES!
I have used them all my life and they are very moiturizing...again it depends on which cond or product you use for your type of hair....

Relaxers? i dk....I only use no lye...LYE burns my scalp off
LA MANZANA, my sign soul sister.... Your siggy :giggle: Come and get your soul food (alright) ;)

Anyhoo, I found the Praital Silk Worm rinse was better than the DC...

I've used probably close to everything available domestically and have a lot of staples from DR. Once I get rid of my other stuff, I'm totally sticking with my Dominivedic regimen!