I was about to order Alter Ego and/or Salerm from Amazon. Then I started looking for a local BSS where I could just browse e.g., for Baba de Caracol, Cinnamon Conditioner, etc. and realized, if I go in the store like this (i.e., not really knowing what I want
), I will drop a ridiculous amount of money on products that may/may not be what I want. So, I started looking for a complete description list. I saw the following list of translated names that liljoy provided a couple of years ago (thank you!) but I really wanted to see if there is a list out there with more than the names of the products -- something that includes intended uses (e.g., for dry hair, for hair fall, for weak/split ends, as a protein conditioner, can be used as a leave-in, for use after hard protein treatments, etc.) If it's already out there, can somebody please reply by posting a link? If not, a toda dominican hairnistas: can you provide a list? Please feel free to also include reviews re popularity/frequency of use in salons, thoughts re how you personally liked the product, best place to buy it online, suggestions re how to use (e.g., under dryer, a pre-poo, etc.) Again, I think that it would be helpful to have something that is pretty comprehensive -- not just single reviews on single products. Are there any Dominican Hair stylists on here?
Here's what Liljoy posted in 2010:
Esperma de ballena( whale sperm) yes I know.. (but what's it used for?)
La bomba ( the bomb) it is the bomb, lol (why?)
Baba de caracol (can't even translate) intense treatment. (have seen this for years but have never known what it does?)
Colesterol( cholesterol)
Canela y sabila( cinnamon and aloe vere) (Hair fall?)
Crece pelo ( grow hair) is great for hair growth)
Silicon mix ( mix silicone) (moisturizer?)
Gusano de seda ( silk worm) one of my favorites. (why? for what?)
Emergencies ( emergency) deep deep treatment, great.
Dr. Cabello (hair doctor) (for scalp?)
Toque magico ( magic touch) really good. (para que?)
Lacio lacio ( straight straight) great if u gonna flat iron it.
Kerastase ( not translation) really good
Alopecil ( really good for people dealing with alopecia)
Miel y almanacs ( honey and almonds) super. (moisturizer?)
Suela y canela ( cinnamon and suela) really good (hair fall?)

Here's what Liljoy posted in 2010:
Esperma de ballena( whale sperm) yes I know.. (but what's it used for?)
La bomba ( the bomb) it is the bomb, lol (why?)
Baba de caracol (can't even translate) intense treatment. (have seen this for years but have never known what it does?)
Colesterol( cholesterol)
Canela y sabila( cinnamon and aloe vere) (Hair fall?)
Crece pelo ( grow hair) is great for hair growth)
Silicon mix ( mix silicone) (moisturizer?)
Gusano de seda ( silk worm) one of my favorites. (why? for what?)
Emergencies ( emergency) deep deep treatment, great.
Dr. Cabello (hair doctor) (for scalp?)
Toque magico ( magic touch) really good. (para que?)
Lacio lacio ( straight straight) great if u gonna flat iron it.
Kerastase ( not translation) really good
Alopecil ( really good for people dealing with alopecia)
Miel y almanacs ( honey and almonds) super. (moisturizer?)
Suela y canela ( cinnamon and suela) really good (hair fall?)