Dominican Blowouts?!?


New Member
now I hear how Dominican salons use a LOT of heat when doing their world famous blowouts, which is why a lot of you guys say to only go to them sparingly. BUt....

I have two good friends who swear by them and go about once a wk or every other week. During the time they have been going, their hair has looked the best I have ever seen it (so thick and full), and one of my friend's hair is as long as its ever been (nearly APL after it was above SL in July). So what gives?

I have also heard of different ppl say that their hair has done a complete 360 (for the better) after going to the Dominicans regularly. Why do you think this is so?
I think the products and technique might have a lot to do with it. And also, if you haven't been "taking care" of your hair and then you begin going to someone regularly it helps. I think some people's hair thrives on heat, for others (most of us) it's not good for regular use.
ETA: Towson girl, you are in Maryland! You go to Towson state? My sister works there! Small world!
crlsweetie912 said:
I think the products and technique might have a lot to do with it. And also, if you haven't been "taking care" of your hair and then you begin going to someone regularly it helps. I think some people's hair thrives on heat, for others (most of us) it's not good for regular use.
ETA: Towson girl, you are in Maryland! You go to Towson state? My sister works there! Small world!

Hmmm, interesting take. But they (well, at least the one with APL hair) has always taken good care of her hair (not using heat frequently, tying with silk scarf, moisturizing). So I'm not sure what exactly it is that is miraculously growing her hair. Maybe their hair does "like" heat....

And Yes! I go To Towson University. It is a small world. :D
I know of a few people who really like using heat on there hair. But I am not one of them. It really makes a difference on my hair!
Are you sure your friends (whose hair is thriving) are getting full blowouts each week? Ive been going to Dominicans for six years now. The first two years i got weekly blowouts.... at this time, my hair was thin and dry and brittle. :( Then once i realized the error of my ways, i began to get only the roots blown out. I notice many of the women in my salon, whose hair is thick and healthy, only get their roots blown out or leave right after the rollers are removed. Its kinda like, the smart women know whats up. :ohwell: So i dunno.... are u sure they are getting blow-outs each time, or perhaps some variation (ie, the roots only)?
KiniKakes said:
Are you sure your friends (whose hair is thriving) are getting full blowouts each week? Ive been going to Dominicans for six years now. The first two years i got weekly blowouts.... at this time, my hair was thin and dry and brittle. :( Then once i realized the error of my ways, i began to get only the roots blown out. I notice many of the women in my salon, whose hair is thick and healthy, only get their roots blown out or leave right after the rollers are removed. Its kinda like, the smart women know whats up. :ohwell: So i dunno.... are u sure they are getting blow-outs each time, or perhaps some variation (ie, the roots only)?
Co siging!! I used to get full blowouts and my hair was sooooo dry and brittle. I did get the roots done for a while but my hairline broke off sooo bad from the hot blowdryer:( It might have just been the salon tho.
macherieamour said:
Co siging!! I used to get full blowouts and my hair was sooooo dry and brittle. I did get the roots done for a while but my hairline broke off sooo bad from the hot blowdryer:( It might have just been the salon tho.

Macherieamour, I love your hair!
KiniKakes said:
Are you sure your friends (whose hair is thriving) are getting full blowouts each week? Ive been going to Dominicans for six years now. The first two years i got weekly blowouts.... at this time, my hair was thin and dry and brittle. :( Then once i realized the error of my ways, i began to get only the roots blown out. I notice many of the women in my salon, whose hair is thick and healthy, only get their roots blown out or leave right after the rollers are removed. Its kinda like, the smart women know whats up. :ohwell: So i dunno.... are u sure they are getting blow-outs each time, or perhaps some variation (ie, the roots only)?

Kinikakes, yes, I am sure they are getting full blow outs every time. And I may have been exaggerating about the frequency tho, they go about every other wk. But I forgot one thing as well, the girl who told one of my friends about the Dominican salon, her hair has gone from my length (neck length) as of last yr, to below APL now. So that makes three cases. I'm still a lil confused, the evidence seems to show that it helps the hair.

But I'm not messing with it. I'm gonna stick to my old no/low heat regimen. We shall see what happens.....
I think I'm going to go to get a Dominican Blowout so I can see what the rave is all about. I know that seeing the pictures of those who have had it done there hair does look beautiful and I can't wait to see what mines will look like.
My friend gets them done by Morena here in Raleigh. Her hair has never looked so healthy, thick and bouncy and it's growing really well. She keeps telling me to go, but I don't think I would get the same result. My hair hates heat and is already very fine and thin. She has very course hair and I'm wondering if that is why it does so well. Everytime I see her hair I am sooooo tempted to go!
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My Sister goes twice a month and her hair is thriving. Her hair is coarser and thicker than mine so I dont think I would have the same results. They also do deep treatments for her there. She also doesnt wash it in between visits. She does stretch her relaxers about every 3 to 4 months but thats about it. I think it just depends on ur hair.
My cousins started getting Dominican blowouts weekly and their hair went from being healthy almost APL to thin, limp, stringy neck length within about 6 months. I definitely doesn't agree with everyone.
TowsonGirl said:
now I hear how Dominican salons use a LOT of heat when doing their world famous blowouts, which is why a lot of you guys say to only go to them sparingly. BUt....

I have two good friends who swear by them and go about once a wk or every other week. During the time they have been going, their hair has looked the best I have ever seen it (so thick and full), and one of my friend's hair is as long as its ever been (nearly APL after it was above SL in July). So what gives?

I have also heard of different ppl say that their hair has done a complete 360 (for the better) after going to the Dominicans regularly. Why do you think this is so?

It's really not all that much heat. It's less than a flat iron. If your hair responds negatively to heat, then you should go to them and just get a rollerset w/o the blow out. I am currently going to a Dominican lady every 3 weeks, and I care for my hair in between appts. Their hair care methods are generally positive for most hair types, but not all. It's still key for you to learn to wash, condition, style, and otherwise care for your own hair. All of these ladies, as soon as they move and there are no Dominicans around, hair will take a nosedive.
RavenIvygurl said:
It's a lot of heat when you see smoke rising and engulfing you. Scary!! LOL

:eek: :eek: :eek: I guess the blow dryer my stylist uses doesn't get that hot. I never see any smoke/steam. That is scary!
I will be cutting my hair to neck length in a couple of weeks and I plan on going to my regular Dominican Salon every 2 weeks as I grow it out.

When I first discovered the hairboards almost 3 years ago I started doing to the Dominicans for blowouts. Then first two times were a hit, but the third was a big fat miss! Lots of breakage from that hot blow dryer and as I result I had to cut aroud two inches or so.

I then chilled out, got some courage and went back again a few months later to attempt to just get the roots blown out and that winded up being a miss as well:(. I drew the conclusion that my 'fine' hair just could not withstand all of that excessive heat.

I REALLY loved the products that they used on my hair so I decided that from that point on I would go to only get a wash, deep treatment and a rollerset. My hair really thrived form doing this. It winded up growing out a lot from just having that done.
Last year I got Dominican blow outs every 2 months for about a year I knew from the first time that my hair could NOT handle it every other week. It’s A LOT of stress on your hair. And although my hair did grow, I attribute it to the fact that between the blowouts I used NO heat on my hair also I went only every 2 months. I did notice tho that my hairline had started to thin out, that area is very sensitive and can not hold up. Lastly I want to note that the stylist doing your hair can have dramatic effects, some stylists know how to use minimum exposure to the heat for maximum results others do not, I have even had bad cases where the stylist would use a hot curler on my ends after the blow out which IMO is a no-no.
I have since opted to get a Sedu and flat iron it myself when I feel like it. I feel my results are similar and I am taking better care of my hair during the process.
pureenergy77 said:
My friend gets them done by Merena here in Raleigh. Her hair has never looked so healthy, thick and bouncy and it's growing really well. She keeps telling me to go, but I don't think I would get the same result. My hair hates heat and is already very fine and thin. She has very course hair and I'm wondering if that is why it does so well. Everytime I see her hair I am sooooo tempted to go!

I go to Morena and I do not get a blow out. I haven't even got my roots blown (I think I'll try that once). So you don't need to go just for the blow out. The thing with Morena is that she does care about the health of your hair.

ETA: I think some of the ladies who experience thinning may be due to the stylist focussing on a nice blow out rather than healthy hair. Personally, I think weekly blowout is too much stress on the hair but it works for some...
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Keen said:
I go to Morena and I do not get a blow out. I haven't even got my roots blown (I think I'll try that once). So you don't need to go just for the blow out. The thing with Morena is that she does care about the health of your hair.

ETA: I think some of the ladies who experience thinning may be due to the stylist focussing on a nice blow out rather than healthy hair. Personally, I think weekly blowout is too much stress on the hair but it works for some...

Hmmm...maybe I will try just a rollerset then. Has the health of your hair improved since you started going to her? Also, do you know what type of relaxer she uses?
Thanks everyone for the responses! You all have helped a lot! I think I'll just go on one of my off days when I'm really close to be do for a relaxer and see if I like the way it turns out. Until then, I will keep up with my healthy hair habits, and hopefully, I will reach APL before I know it.:D