Dominican Blowouts and Natural Hair...


Dr. Naptrl :)
Are Dominican Blowouts safe on natural hair? What have been your experiences. Do you have problems with your hair not reverting? Breakage, etc? Are there some good salons in Atlanta or Savannah..I don't know of any here in South GA...I guess I'll have to drive. TIA
Don't do it!!!!!!!!!! Some people are able to get this done with no ill effects and other end up with problems. I have a friend that is natural and she get her hair blown straight about 3 times a year and is able to gain her culrs back without a problem. Me on the other hand I got my hair blown straight and it never....NEVER went back. But it only remained straight in certain areas. 85% of my hair reverted back and 15% remained straight like I had a perm. I had it blown straight 12/03 and until 3/05 it was still straight. I had to cut it off. You will see on the curve website where they talk about me. I am on the second page the second one down.

When I went to Curve they were telling me about there is a way to blow natural hair without the damage. I wish I had known about that before I let my girl Carmen blow it out. Even when my niece had her hair done there were parts that were straight and did not revert.

IMO I would not do it. Especially since you do not know how your hair is going to react until it is already done and by that time the damage is done. :(
lbellin said:
Don't do it!!!!!!!!!! Some people are able to get this done with no ill effects and other end up with problems. I have a friend that is natural and she get her hair blown straight about 3 times a year and is able to gain her culrs back without a problem. Me on the other hand I got my hair blown straight and it never....NEVER went back. But it only remained straight in certain areas. 85% of my hair reverted back and 15% remained straight like I had a perm. I had it blown straight 12/03 and until 3/05 it was still straight. I had to cut it off. You will see on the curve website where they talk about me. I am on the second page the second one down.

When I went to Curve they were telling me about there is a way to blow natural hair without the damage. I wish I had known about that before I let my girl Carmen blow it out. Even when my niece had her hair done there were parts that were straight and did not revert.

IMO I would not do it. Especially since you do not know how your hair is going to react until it is already done and by that time the damage is done. :(

This concerns me a bit. I am transitioning and while i love the look of corkscrew, curly and kinky hair, I wanted to wear straight styles some of the time. I was hoping that I could go to Dominican Salon at times. I would hate for my hair not to be able to revert back to naural curls.

Or you the lady with the blue necklace on the 2nd page (before and after)?
I had my hair blown dry at a dominican salon with no problems. The main thing is to tell them to turn down the heat on that blowdryer. You don't need a blowtorch on your head to get it straight. I would say medium-hot is sufficient. First they washed my hair, put me under the dryer with conditioner for 20 minutes, rinsed the conditioner and applied a creamy leave in, then blowdryed layer by layer starting at the nape with a paddle brush. I was nervous that my hair wouldn't revert because it was silky straight. But it was back to normal a week later after my normal shampoo and deep condition.
When I was 15, I got a rollerset, and then they did a doobie and sat me under the dryer for 45 minutes-1 hour. It was tighter than a blow out, but fell eventually as the days went on. I didnt need the blow torch.
That would be me. Like I said it is hard to tell how your hair is going to react to the heat. My friend get her hair done all the time and has had no problems. I on the other hand got it done once and had problems. Everyone is different.

I have had a rollerset done and my hair came out beautiful, but with exercising, etc. it almost did not last a week.
I wouldn't suggest it. I went to Lily's Hair Plus and the first thing they told me, after the LONG wait, was that I need a relaxer. When I said, "no, thank you" I was told that it would cost me $40! I wanted to have the "Dominican experience" so I went ahead with it. I got a wash, conditioner and roller set. I was under the dryer for about 2 hours and then came the PAIN! That blow dryer was SO hot! And, all the girl kept saying was, "Sorry mami." I have one section of my hair that's just STRAIGHT! Again, I wouldn't do it.
DON'T DO IT!!!! The heat is torture! I don't care how much they lessen the heat by using lower heat with the blow-dryer. Most are not good with kinkier textured natural hair, they will tell you in a minute that you need a relaxer or texturizer. That's how they got me. It took me almost two years to get my hair back in order. If you must have a straight hairstyle try rollersetting and using a ceramic flat iron over each curl once its dry. But, that method may cause some permanent heat damage as well. After my experience and the experience of others, I just wouldn't do it.
WOW! Thanks for the comments ladies! I'm getting an almost unanimous NO! I'll just continue to press myself. I thought this may be safer or something...guess not. I have no problems when I do it on my own and use a heat protectant. I already had one pressing disaster! Don't want another!
thickness said:
DON'T DO IT!!!! The heat is torture! I don't care how much they lessen the heat by using lower heat with the blow-dryer. Most are not good with kinkier textured natural hair, they will tell you in a minute that you need a relaxer or texturizer. That's how they got me. It took me almost two years to get my hair back in order. If you must have a straight hairstyle try rollersetting and using a ceramic flat iron over each curl once its dry. But, that method may cause some permanent heat damage as well. After my experience and the experience of others, I just wouldn't do it.

So is the heat damage less when pressing? I still don't get why pressing two hot metal like things to your hair can be better than blowdrying! I ask every time one of these threads pops up lol! :confused:
I think because you can better control the heat when flat ironing--that is, if you have an iron with a temprature control. Plus, it's a more controlled action than blowdrying. Just my guess.
Done correctly by a skilled stylist, a press can come out beautifully. WAY silkier than a relaxer. I'm talkin light as a feather. Its all in the wrist I guess, plus minimal use of product. I would never attempt to press my own hair.