Dominican Blowout vs. Shampoo, Press & Curl

Denim And Leather

New Member
Hey guys,

A friend of mine is getting married next month and I'll be going to her wedding. I will be 9 weeks post-relaxer, and don't want to get a touch up for the wedding that soon, so I was thinking of getting a Dominican blowout. At the same time, I'm also considering just getting a shampoo, press and curl.

Which would you think would be better? I'm leaning towards the Dominican blowout, only because I've read so much about them here and have never had one and am wanting to get one.

Well, I am going to be honest. I do not know which is best, but whatever you decide on please make sure you try it before the day of the wedding. I have looked like Bozo the Clown:lachen:too many times, because I tried to do something new on the day of a recital, wedding, etc. (Y'all, I couldn't even blame the hairdressers for my foolishness). I'll let the experts provide you w/ the direct answer to your question, now;).
Most women who stretch relaxers opt for the blow-out. Women who press are usually natural. I think you should go for the blow-out.
Cherokee said:
Most women who stretch relaxers opt for the blow-out. Women who press are usually natural. I think you should go for the blow-out.

I agree. Pressing relaxed hair always makes me nervous.
That's right, I just realized it'll be safer for my hair if I got the blowout. Those combs heated on a Marcel stove will be murder on my hair! *smacks forehead* I'll definitely go for the blowout.

I'll be getting my hair done the day before the wedding. I will definitely post pics in my Fotki, too since this will be my first blowout.

Thanks for all your input, and encouragement, guys! :)