Dominican blow out and round brushes


Well-Known Member
Do all the dominican salons blow dry with a round brush. My gf was ravign about her hair and how pretty it turned out. I was tempted to try them but I had a bad experience when a stylist blowdried with a roudn brush. My hair is a little past shoulder length, thanks to a layerd cut. It gets tangled and I suffered breakeage, while blow drying because my thin hair is fragile while wet.

Has anyone had their hair blowdried with another kind of brush? How are the rollersets in these salons? That might be an option for me.
I've never seen them use anything else although when i went to an african american stylist once (not at the dominican salon) she used a wide paddle brush. I haven't experienced more breakage due to this because i always get a roller set first before they blow dry and in my opinion the combination of services has not been too much heat for my hair because I'd rather it be done this way then someone pulling a comb or brush through my wet hair. I will say that in my experience with dominican stylists, and i've had plenty trust me on this, that they are not good with straightening the root of the hair unless it is by blowdrying, i have yet to see one do a press and curl. So if you get a fresh relaxer or if you don't have alot of new growth you can just get a roller set and a doobie (they wrap your hair after it's dry and pin it up for you so bring a scarf). If not, then you should get the roller set and blow dry. I hope this helps!!