Doing it... you know.. chopping!


Well-Known Member
I'm seriously thinking about doing it. Chopping off those relaxed ends. I am 13 1/2 months out from the last relaxer.

My hair at the back of my head pretty much has no relaxed ends anymore. Don't know where they went! I have some PURTY curls back there. :woot:They don't make those cute clumps of coils like other people get, but are just a mass of little curls.

In the front I still have two-three inches of relaxed ends. I can't tell what those curls are like because I'm sure the relaxed ends are dragging them down. I kind think they are not as cute as the curls in the back. They seem more fuzzy than curly.

I'm length conscious... but technically, I get to keep most of my length if I cut now. All the hair at the back of my head is already natural. I will lose the length in the front that I was kind of proud of achieving.

Anyway... had to share because I'm really thinking about just doing it. I was the one who was going to hold out forever... but a Texas summer and the poofiness will beat down the hardiest of us transitioners!

I just don't want to cut those ends up and regret it.
I look at my curls and say, "YES!"

I imagine sitting in the stylists chair and seeing those LONG 2 - 2 1/2 pieces on the floor and I think, NO!
But you don't have any relaxed hair in the back. You are just hanging on to those 2 - 2.5pieces for sentimental reason. Let them go, I say! ;)
If you do it...take lots of pics.

I feel you on "a Texas summer and the poofiness will beat down the hardiest of us transitioners!" I'm in FLA and I thought I was strong enough to hold out. I decided to bun for the entire summer just to stay away from cutting.
If you do it...take lots of pics.

I feel you on "a Texas summer and the poofiness will beat down the hardiest of us transitioners!" I'm in FLA and I thought I was strong enough to hold out. I decided to bun for the entire summer just to stay away from cutting.

I'm in Florida, too and this is why I decided to get braids. I'm scissor-happy with a relaxer because of my ends. I know they are going to get worse while I'm transitioning, so I'm keeping them protected.

OP, do what feels right for you HONESTLY! :yep: If you want to BC, go ahead! I think some of us are too length-conscious (me included), and we know we see many women on LHCF rockin' some super cute TWA's like we can't do it, too!
Do it before the summer's over and you'll regret it!! :grin:

Those fuzzy not so curly parts you speak of.. I had those too and now they curl up beautifully!
Usually. :look:

Do it! Do it!
You should do it! Those 2 inches of hair will be back before the year is over anyway. DO IT DO IT!

P.S. I think we all secretly just wanna see some hair porn. :sekret:
I SAY DO IT, im almost 1 yr relaxer free in July... this texas heat made me come out of my wig and rock a puff, and i wasnt planning on wearing my hair out til my big chop anniversay 12/15 LOL
Hold on haven't done it yet and it seems you aren't ready. As a person who will grab some scissors - or clippers quick fast I suggest:

rim 1/2 - 1 inch per month until all the ends are gone. This is less traumatic and you look forward to the next trim.
Your hair will grow back! Even healthier! Let them go I say as well! All yr doing is prolonging the inevitable!:sad:
Do it!!! Then you can focus on retaining length, have more fun with your hair and not have to deal with transitioning anymore. My hair is back to BSL already and I chopped to about SL a year ago.

ETA: Oh yeah, and summer's a great time to chop!
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Thanks guys. By 2 p.m. I was calling my stylist to make an appointment, and lo and behold she'd left for the day.

Then I did a practice run sort of by washing my hair, moisturizing and then pinning up the part that has the relaxed ends.

Well when my back hair dried, it was quite scary. I don't know if I'm knowledgeable enough yet about working with those curls.

I've cooled down a bit now. My original plan was to wait till September. Right now I'm trying to talk myself into this Sunday. I already have an appointment to have my stylist flat iron my hair. My main concern has been that my hair would be too short to pull back into a pony tail or braid in French Braids. I'm fairly certain though I would be able to braid it up in a pinch or when I was having a bad hair day.

So... I'm trying to gear myself up for Sunday. Thanks for your encouragement. It has helped a lot.
That's a good plan too. I kind of middle road.

I have been struggling with my braid outs lately because in the fall, I could make a really cute afro with a braidout. But now my hair is too long for a decent afro, but too short to hang down and look awesome. So slow trims might be a good plan.