Doing all I can and still getting breakage

Denim And Leather

New Member
Hi, Ladies

I am 3 weeks into taking better care of my hair (I moisturize daily, shampoo twice a week, deep conditon twice a week with UBH conditoner, have done two Aphogee treatments because my hairdresser put way too much heat on my hair when I went for a touch up three weeks ago), and when I comb, I still see little pieces of hair breaking off (it is not natural breakage, because I don't see the little bulbs on the end.) I air dry my hair, and only flat-iron it once a week. I only brush it to style it, or unless I really need to de-tangle it, otherwise, I use a wide-tooth comb, and try to be gentle when I comb my hair. On the plus side, my hair has been feeling much better, and I don't think the breakage is as much as before.

Is this normal? Or am I still doing something wrong? Is there something else I should be doing?
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Denim And Leather said:
Hi, Ladies

I am 3 weeks into taking better care of my hair (I moisturize daily, shampoo twice a week, deep conditon twice a week with UBH conditoner, have done two Aphogee treatments because my hairdresser put way too much heat on my hair when I went for a touch up three weeks ago), and when I comb, I still see little pieces of hair breaking off (it is not natural breakage, because I don't see the little bulbs on the end.) I air dry my hair, and only flat-iron it once a week. I only brush it to style it, or unless I really need to de-tangle it, otherwise, I use a wide-tooth comb, and try to be gentle when I comb my hair. On the plus side, my hair has been feeling much better, and I don't think the breakage is as much as before.

Is this normal? Or am I still doing something wrong? Is there something else I should be doing?

Whoa, you may be over doing protein with the UBH and two applications of Aphogee in 3 weeks. I believe Aphogee is supposed to be done every six weeks. You need a good balance of moisture and protein, too much protien will cause your hair to become brittle. What are you using as a daily moisturizer? When was your last trim? Sistaslick posted a really good post on breakage, yesterday, it's a sticky at the top of the forum, you should def check that out. I'm sure you'll get some really good responses here.
I moisturize twice a day, with the UBH moisturizer (I have both, the cream one and the dew, and I alternate.)

I printed out Sistaslick's breakage post and am reading it right now. Thanks! :)
Ok, I think I HAVE been using too much protein in my hair! I remember this past Saturday when I washed and proteined my hair with Aphogee, I also deep conditioned it with the UBH conditioner, and it too, has protein. When my hair air dried, it didn't feel soft life before, but dried out quickly, and felt drier. Yikes!

So I read Sistaslick's Hair Breakage 101 (which is very informative!) and I apparently need to keep moisturing and deep condtioning my hair. Can anyone recommend a good deep conditioner that doesn't contain protein?
Some heat damage is irreversible and other times it takes longer than 3 weeks to mend the hair strands. Once you find a good moisturizing conditioner, keep up the alternating and you should see some improvement in another 3 weeks. I have no rec's for a deep conditioner, i use the Aubrey Organics line. Its all natural but it and doesnt work for everyones hair. Its hit or miss with products. Goodluck!
I can recommed ORS Replenishing Pak. It does contain protein, but it must be a very small amount because it is nothing but moisturizing to me. I also like Elasta DPR-11, Kenra MC, and Aubrey Organics Honeysuckle Rose.
Denim And Leather said:
Hi, Ladies

I am 3 weeks into taking better care of my hair (I moisturize daily, shampoo twice a week, deep conditon twice a week with UBH conditoner, have done two Aphogee treatments because my hairdresser put way too much heat on my hair when I went for a touch up three weeks ago), and when I comb, I still see little pieces of hair breaking off (it is not natural breakage, because I don't see the little bulbs on the end.) I air dry my hair, and only flat-iron it once a week. I only brush it to style it, or unless I really need to de-tangle it, otherwise, I use a wide-tooth comb, and try to be gentle when I comb my hair. On the plus side, my hair has been feeling much better, and I don't think the breakage is as much as before.

Is this normal? Or am I still doing something wrong? Is there something else I should be doing?

Did you read the Cathy Howse book to put together your regimen?
I started off doing the same thing and using all of her products-
You dont have to shampoo 2x a week, shampooing can be drying
Everyones hair is different, but this really worked for me when i started off on getting my hair in great shape

shampooing and deep conditioning 1x a week, with a good shampoo like cream of nature and good conditioner like keracare (no protein)
(You should try around with different conditioners and shampoos from good brands like keracare, mizani, salerm, dudleys)

Then the second time during the week use aphogees 2 min keretin reconstruor, its not as harsh as the other aphogee treatment, and you can use it as much as you like, its very moistrurizing to ( but everyones hair is different)
Then use kerecare or another conditoner and do a deep condition

Also dont forget about leave ins, heat protectants, and oil to seal in the moisture from your moisturizer
The moisturizer your using may have protein or alchohol in it that is drying your hair-a good one is organic root stimulators olive oil

Give your hair at least 2 months to get completly healthy
And take vitamins, dont mess with your hair so much.....

Dont get to set on a certain routine yet, take time to experiment and learn what your hair likes the most-if it feels better conditner washed everyday, washed and shampood 1x a week, heat, no heat, and different products and brands

Theres also the crown and glory and all that

And then when you feel your hair is healthy you can focus on keeping the hair you have healthy and increasing the growth rate of your hair per month with vitamins and topical growth aids and diet

Sorry for this being long i just make sure you remember and know everything before you get worried and confused-but hair does shed about 50-100 hairs a day.....
Thank you, ladies for your advice! I really appreciate it!

ThinNappy- Yes, I did buy Cathy Howse's book and read it in one day, and have gone back to re-read certain chapters as questions arise.

I have been using either Paul Mitchell's super long smoothing shampoo and conditioner, and then deep conditioning with UBH conditioner under a dryer for 20 minutes. As far as I knew, Cathy Howse's moisturizers (which I also use) do not contain any alcohol, I think I read on her site that she stays away from products that contain alcohol. I actually like how my hair feels when I wash it twice a week, so I think I'll stick with that. I only wear my hair down straight (and flat iron it) once a week for church. Other than that, I ususally either wear a bun, or have done a braid out twice.

I do put a little silicon oil on my hair to seal in moisture.

Is Kera Care a deep conditioner? And yes, I have just started a vitamin regimen last week, I have been taking one for hair, skin and nails that contain MSM and biotin. I still want to get the grape seed extract and silica.

P.S. Isn't the 50-100 hair strands we lose a day supposed to be the strands with the bulbs on the end (natural shedding) and not breakage?
Denim And Leather said:
P.S. Isn't the 50-100 hair strands we lose a day supposed to be the strands with the bulbs on the end (natural shedding) and not breakage?
Yes it is.
I recommend the ORS replenishing pak also. It leaves the hair feeling so soft and manageable. Also since you jsut started taking car of your hair less than a month now it may take a few more weeks before for the strength to be noticed. So try to cut back and the protein and don't get discouraged. In the end you willl see its all worth it!!!!!Good luck
Another thing you might think of is changing relaxers.

I do all the moisturizing/protein treatments and stuff too and my hair still breaks a little. I realized that my realxer was simply too strong. I switched from Mizani to Affirm and I can see a difference. My hair now only breaks at the areas I used the harsher relaxers years ago. I would either switch relaxers, start relaxing 60-80% instead of 100 % or use a weaker strength (mild instead of super, for example). That might help.
Thanks for the answer, Poobear, and thanks for the encouragement, wadadligyal! I did have to remind myself that this will take awhile to really see results.

Macherieamour, I have my hair professionally relaxed, and she told me she Motions relaxer for my hair. I don't know what strength.

I have been thinking about self-relaxing, though since I've decided no more blow drying and straightening from those Marcel stoves, and it would be a waste of money to me if I asked her just to apply the relaxer and wash it out only. Thanks for your advice, if I do decide to self-relax, I will definitely consider relaxing at 80%.
Denim And Leather said:
Thank you, ladies for your advice! I really appreciate it!

ThinNappy- Yes, I did buy Cathy Howse's book and read it in one day, and have gone back to re-read certain chapters as questions arise.

I have been using either Paul Mitchell's super long smoothing shampoo and conditioner, and then deep conditioning with UBH conditioner under a dryer for 20 minutes. As far as I knew, Cathy Howse's moisturizers (which I also use) do not contain any alcohol, I think I read on her site that she stays away from products that contain alcohol. I actually like how my hair feels when I wash it twice a week, so I think I'll stick with that. I only wear my hair down straight (and flat iron it) once a week for church. Other than that, I ususally either wear a bun, or have done a braid out twice.

I do put a little silicon oil on my hair to seal in moisture.

Is Kera Care a deep conditioner? And yes, I have just started a vitamin regimen last week, I have been taking one for hair, skin and nails that contain MSM and biotin. I still want to get the grape seed extract and silica.

P.S. Isn't the 50-100 hair strands we lose a day supposed to be the strands with the bulbs on the end (natural shedding) and not breakage?
It took at least 3 months before I saw any improvement in my hair and most of that was recent growth. As someone else said, sever damage is irreversible. If your hair is as neglected as mine was you may have to gradual remove the oldest hair (at the ends). Remember most folks grow about 1/2 an inch/month. If your hair is 6 inches long then the hair at the ends has been mistreated for a year. It may not recover. Nothing made my ends truly soft and tangle-free except a good trim.

Oh and make sure the bulbs came from the root of the hair. If you have bulbs on the ends, that a completely different story.
sareca said:
It took at least 3 months before I saw any improvement in my hair and most of that was recent growth. As someone else said, sever damage is irreversible. If your hair is as neglected as mine was you may have to gradual remove the oldest hair (at the ends). Remember most folks grow about 1/2 an inch/month. If your hair is 6 inches long then the hair at the ends has been mistreated for a year. It may not recover. Nothing made my ends truly soft and tangle-free except a good trim.

Oh and make sure the bulbs came from the root of the hair. If you have bulbs on the ends, that a completely different story.

My hair is not fried looking or anything like that, as far as I can tell. I have been real careful with heat since wearing my own hair (with the exception of letting the hairdresser use the heating appliances I mentioned earlier). I would have her trim my hair every few months (my last trim was about 3 months ago). And about two months ago, I quit using the blowdryer to dry my hair and started letting it air dry. The overall condition of my hair looks pretty decent, with the exception of the front looking a bit dry (due to coloring).

My hair has grown, but knowing what I know now, had I not let my hairdresser use all that heat on my hair for almost the past year and a half , it would be down to my bra strap. :(
I too suffered from too much protein and after moisturizing like crazy with Cream of Nature ultra moisturizing poo and deep conditioning with Kenra moisturizing conditioner every week, my hair really got moisturized. I moisturized twice daily with water and glycerin and sealed with jojoba or apricot kernel oil. HTH!:)
Hey Denim! ITA with the other ladies-- you are just starting out so it may take awhile for your hair turn around depending on the level of damage you've already sustained. Sometimes in the beginning we've treated our hair so badly that cutting away some of the oldest ends is the only way to get back right again.

Your overuse of protein is definitely compounding your hair issues. Starting out, its best to lean on a high moisture/low protein type regimen. Like the others have said, ease up on the protein and focus strictly on the moisturizing aspect of your regimen for the next few weeks. The next best thing you can do now is cut down on the styling manipulation. The more you manipulate your over-structurized hair, the more breakage you'll see. It takes a little while (several washes) to recover from the effects of protein overload-- but it will get better. :yep: Keep us posted girl!:)
Thank you very much, Devin.

Sistaslick, thanks to you also. I will definitely keep you guys posted. I will definitely keep my protein regiment low key for now. I'll try Kera Care and ORS Replinishing Pack. So is it ok that I deep condition with the UBH conditioner? It does have protein in it as well, but based on what I'm reading here, it should be ok, as long as I stay away from Aphogee and other strong protein treatments.

All you ladies rock! :D
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I agree with the other ladies, definitely cut down on the protein. Some good moisturizing conditioners are

Keracare humecto
Kenra Moisturizing Con
Silicon Mix
Miss Key 10 en 1 (contain protein but like ORS very moisturizing)

I also wash 2x weekly and I also use light protein each time ( my hair loves protein) but I ALWAYS follow with a moisturizing conditioner, or you can mix your protein conditioner with a moisturizing one to deep condition.

Not everyone's hair loves protein i would suggest that on your first wash deep condition with a moisturizing conditioner and on your second wash use a light protein followed by a moisturizing con.

Aphogee is meant to be used once every six weeks
IntelligenceisBeautiful said:
I agree with the other ladies, definitely cut down on the protein. Some good moisturizing conditioners are

Keracare humecto
Kenra Moisturizing Con
Silicon Mix
Miss Key 10 en 1 (contain protein but like ORS very moisturizing)

I also wash 2x weekly and I also use light protein each time ( my hair loves protein) but I ALWAYS follow with a moisturizing conditioner, or you can mix your protein conditioner with a moisturizing one to deep condition.

Not everyone's hair loves protein i would suggest that on your first wash deep condition with a moisturizing conditioner and on your second wash use a light protein followed by a moisturizing con.

Aphogee is meant to be used once every six weeks

Yup, I know now. Until I came here, I didn't realize that too much conditioner wasn't good for the hair.

I called several beauty supply stores in my area, and none of them carried Kera Care products, so I ordered the Kera Care humector conditioner online, so I have to wait a few days for that. In the meantime, I'm going to wash condition my hair with my regular condition tomorrow, and deep conditoner with the UBH conditioner this weekend. I'll keep my hair bunned up the rest of the week and try not to manipulate it so much.

I look forward to seeing the fruits of my labor! :D
Good Luck D&L,

I'll be on this journey with you too! My hair was also damaged 3 weeks ago by my hairdresser at touch-up time. Isn't that funny that that happened to both of us at the same time? I've been proteining for the last 2 weeks with some mild protein combinations. I'm going to switch over to moisture too. I'm still seeing many broken strands and it's heart breaking. But the light will come. Keep us updated. :)
Supergirl said:
Good Luck D&L,

I'll be on this journey with you too! My hair was also damaged 3 weeks ago by my hairdresser at touch-up time. Isn't that funny that that happened to both of us at the same time? I've been proteining for the last 2 weeks with some mild protein combinations. I'm going to switch over to moisture too. I'm still seeing many broken strands and it's heart breaking. But the light will come. Keep us updated. :)

Thanks, Supergirl. :)

It is funny that we both got the same type of damage around the same time. I'm almost tempted not to go back to her, because now I'm reflecting on other things she did to my hair that I don't think was good for it. I'm tempted to self-relax. I feel very fortunate that I'm not bald, because I've been going to this hairdresser for a little over a year, and this has been her regular routine with my hair. :eek: Had I not read the UBH book and come to this forum, I would not even realize how much she was damaging my hair and that Aphogee should be used every six weeks.

It is disheartening to see these little broken strands in the sink, on the floor, etc. I felt pretty panicky yesterday before I posted this thread, but now I'm feeling much better. You're right, this too will pass. :)
Denim And Leather said:
Thanks, Supergirl. :)

It is funny that we both got the same type of damage around the same time. I'm almost tempted not to go back to her, because now I'm reflecting on other things she did to my hair that I don't think was good for it. I'm tempted to self-relax. I feel very fortunate that I'm not bald, because I've been going to this hairdresser for a little over a year, and this has been her regular routine with my hair. :eek: Had I not read the UBH book and come to this forum, I would not even realize how much she was damaging my hair and that Aphogee should be used every six weeks.

It is disheartening to see these little broken strands in the sink, on the floor, etc. I felt pretty panicky yesterday before I posted this thread, but now I'm feeling much better. You're right, this too will pass. :)

Well, as I thought back also--I made a decision not to go back to her. I have 3 stylist recommendations at this time. So, I have a choice to make. And definitely I'll only be getting rollersets from whomever no matter how long it takes! I wish I could self-relax, but I wouldn't risk it. Some people do an excellent job with their own relaxers though. :) I envy them. :D
Supergirl said:
Well, as I thought back also--I made a decision not to go back to her. I have 3 stylist recommendations at this time. So, I have a choice to make. And definitely I'll only be getting rollersets from whomever no matter how long it takes! I wish I could self-relax, but I wouldn't risk it. Some people do an excellent job with their own relaxers though. :) I envy them. :D

I thought about doing the rollerset as well, but I really like the bone-straight look. *Sigh* I'm can't seem to make up my mind on which one, and I need to make an appointment soon, if I do decided to go back to my hairdresser. One thing for certain, no blow drying and marcel stove combs! I also envy the girls on here who self-relax with no problems. I was thinking this morning that if I did that, I don't want to come back here with another thread on asking for tips on keeping my hair from falling out completely! :lol:
macherieamour said:
Another thing you might think of is changing relaxers.

I do all the moisturizing/protein treatments and stuff too and my hair still breaks a little. I realized that my realxer was simply too strong. I switched from Mizani to Affirm and I can see a difference. My hair now only breaks at the areas I used the harsher relaxers years ago. I would either switch relaxers, start relaxing 60-80% instead of 100 % or use a weaker strength (mild instead of super, for example). That might help.

I love Affirm Mild.
Denim And Leather said:
I am 3 weeks into taking better care of my hair (I moisturize daily, shampoo twice a week, deep conditon twice a week with UBH conditoner, have done two Aphogee treatments because my hairdresser put way too much heat on my hair when I went for a touch up three weeks ago), and when I comb, I still see little pieces of hair breaking off (it is not natural breakage, because I don't see the little bulbs on the end.) I air dry my hair, and only flat-iron it once a week. I only brush it to style it, or unless I really need to de-tangle it, otherwise, I use a wide-tooth comb, and try to be gentle when I comb my hair. On the plus side, my hair has been feeling much better, and I don't think the breakage is as much as before.

I just re-read what you have done to your hair over the pass 3 weeks and I would recommend giving your hair a break... in other words, leave your hair alone for a while. Lay off all the shampooing and conditioning and aphogee treatments and combing your hair, and even stop flat-ironing once a week. I believe the main cause of your breakage is from your hairdresser putting too much heat on it. If you can't go a long time without washing, try washing once a week, rollerset your hair, and leave it as is. Wear a satin bonnet over your curls at night. In the morning, fluff your curls with your fingers in the shape you want it, spray oil sheen, and go. Don't excessively comb nor brush it and don't apply direct heat to your hair. If your hair is damaged from the heat, you may want to gradually trim your hair each month.
