doing a henna treatment


New Member
Okay ladies, so i see plenty threads on what to put into my henna but none that really say what to do before or after.

Do you shampoo before? co wash or dc after? What? i'm lost.. lol


oh yeah, i have karishma henna :)
I can't tell you what others do, but I never wash my hair beforehand. I mix mine with a little water and add some cheap conditioner like VO5 so that it is easier to rinse out. Once I have rinsed it out, I then shampoo and dc.
Here's what I do:

I shampoo with a clarifying poo to make sure that nothing interferes with the henna binding to my hair. Then I cowash the henna out when I'm ready. Last I dc with moisture only for either an hour with heat or sleep in my dc.
LOL...we are all saying different things...find out whats best for you :)

i don't shampoo (before or after) and i perform a moisturizing DC after....
I'm hennaing as we speak! I'm with Kellum. Clarify, henna, co-wash with lots of cheap conditioner. DC with a very moisturizing deep condtioner, with heat. I usually henna for 4 hours and DC for 1-2 hrs on the first sunday of the month but since my appointment is off schedule, I might henna for shorter or DC overnight.

I use Karishma also and I order from (black-owned business).
^^ Thanks for giving us the name of the company :up: It's great to support black owned businesses :yay:

I usually don't do anything before i henna but as the others have stated, the DC afterward is just heavenly. Since nothing really opens the cuticle of your hair like henna does, it's a great opportunity to stick some deep moisture into the core of your strands :yep:

The people who post that henna makes their hair hard or crunchy may be forgetting to DC (with heat if poss.) after.
I shampoo afterwards because it takes me forever to get the henna out of my hair. I think I overdo it with the application LOL Then I deep condition afterwards.
I DC the night before, mix the henna with honey and conditioner the next day spray my hair with water before I apply let it sit and the DC with heat after. Its overkill but my hair doesn't like protein and it thinks henna is a protein.
I wash and apply coconut oil several hours before so that the hair is still damp (but not wet) when I apply the henna.

In addition to water I add honey, vegetable glycerin, rosemary oil, and peppermint oil to my mix. I co wash the henna out with a cheepie conditioner and then do a quick conditioning with AO GPB. I finish with some coconut oil.
I Co-Wash my hair with Something Extremely Moisturizing.:yep: I apply Henna. Rinse really well 1st with Clear Water.

Then....I'll pull out something cheap i.e. V05 Moisture Milks or Suave Tropical Coconut and then I'll Rinse out with that. (I usually use at least a Bottle or a Bottle and a Half for the Rinse Out).

And then, I'll DC with something Moisturizing using Heat Cap or Steamer.:lick: