DOIN TI! VIRGIN Texturizer Elasta QP Lye mild or Silk Elements Lye Mild


  • Elasta QP Lye Mild

    Votes: 11 18.6%
  • Silk Elements Lye Mild

    Votes: 32 54.2%
  • Motions Herbal Salons Lye Mild

    Votes: 1 1.7%
  • Other

    Votes: 15 25.4%

  • Total voters


Active Member
I'm considering texturizing my 100% natural hair. I definately want to maintain the natural curl, but just need to minimize some of the shrinkage. Once I've put the relaxer on my hair I don't plan to smooth nor will I leave it on more than 10 mins.:nono:

I have 4a medium/fine hair. Many beauticians think it's resistant and are very surprised :shocked: at how quickly it straightens with chemicals and/or heat. In the past my hair has been over processed because of this.....anyway I've narrowed my choices down to either QP Elasta lye in mild or Silk Elements lye in mild. I'm also open to other recommendations.

What do you recommend? :confused: Please vote.:user:
Never tried Elasta or motions but silk elements is sooo good. I say go for it!!

And congrats on your decision!!
Whatever your decision may be... make sure you post comparison shots and let us know. (I'm considering this myself!!)
I haven't used either, but from what I've read, Silk Elements is good, but it straightens really well and fast. That would be my only concern since you want to texturize. So just make sure you don't leave it on long if you use Silk Elements.
I voted for Silk Elements. I'm texlaxed (just did a touch up yesterday actually) and this is my second time using Silk Elements Regular. I wanted to get mild but my Sally's didn't have it, so I got the regular and mix it with a lot of Castor oil or EVOO. Since it's true that SE works fast, and since you only want to get rid of some of the shrinkage you could try to mix oil into the mild to slow it down even more.

But I love SE. I was an Affirm addict before, but decided to give it a whirl since Affirm is soo expensive. It's working out great and for a great price! I paid $10 for a 4lb tub of relaxer. The tub should get me through 4-5 relaxers. I take out a small bowl's worth of the cream for each relaxer and mix the oil into it.

You really can't beat the value for the price with SE and in my opinion the relaxer is just as good as Affirm.
10 minutes is too long IMHO. You just want to keep your curls, 5 minutes or less is best, even without manipulation. Some parts may still get strait.
When I used to relax Motions took my hair out big time and the stylist who put it in did an excellent job w/the application so I'm convinced it was the relaxer.
i use silk element lye - The only lye relaxer not to burn the hell out of my head! I leave for 12 mins- minimun smoothing, but my hair is tough. Back in theday when I didn't know better I used to use super to get my hair straight.
I've only tried Silk Elements. I have no problems with it so I won't experiment with anything else.
i use silk element lye - The only lye relaxer not to burn the hell out of my head! I leave for 12 mins- minimun smoothing, but my hair is tough. Back in theday when I didn't know better I used to use super to get my hair straight.

Jade998 I see you're in London, is Silk Elements sold over here. If so where. The shop I used to get my 5lb tub of Affirm don't stock it anymore and I need to hunt down a new lye relaxer in time for my January touch up.
Jade998 I see you're in London, is Silk Elements sold over here. If so where. The shop I used to get my 5lb tub of Affirm don't stock it anymore and I need to hunt down a new lye relaxer in time for my January touch up.

Hey - Yes silk element is sold here, this is where I go
81 Shaftesbury Avenue, Soho
London, W1D 6NG

Closest tube is Leicester square

There is another one but I have never been here, I will try to go there soon, it looks good!

104 Streatham Hill, Streatham Hill
London, SW2 4RD
Hello ladies, I just ran across this post I started a year ago (can't believe it's been that long!) Anyway I decided not to apply the chemicals and I can honestly say, a year later I'm glad I didn't. I still don't think my natural hair is long enough (because of shrinikage) to wear it in styles that I like. But I do believe I'll be rocking some fierce natural hairstyles by the end of summer '08. We'll see :grin:
Silk Elements Lye all the way
I have used Motions (which sucks hard) and ORS Lye (which equally sucks AND burned me)
I was actually spoiled by Silk Elements because when I tried the ORS Lye I was like "Why isn't my hair soft?"
Duh, cause I used another relaxer...since then I haven't betrayed my beloved Silk Elements

I was shocked when you guys said it worked fast through. My hair is very resistant so I use Silk Elements Regular for 30 min (I know i go over the recommended amount but I refuse to go to Super:nono:) and STILL come out over processed in some of my most coarse areas
I have used phyto (for years), revlon, TCB, profective, affirm, Elasta QP, design essentials, motions and many more I cant remember. I just started using silk elements mild lye (twice now) to textlax and it is the best by far. It left my hair really soft and moisturised. I am 2 months post relaxer and my hair is still soft. normally with other relaxers my hair would be really course at this point. I would not use any other relaxer again.unless they stopped making silk elements. I have fine 4a hair. I mixed the mild relaxer with 2 tablespoon cholesterol treatment treatment and 1 tablespoon olive oil in 1/2 tub of SE. Left on for 15 minutes.
I love silk elements mild lye. I added a few generous squirts of motions CPR and tablespoon of olive oil to my Silk Elements relaxer and left it on for about 10 minutes. I got the perfect texlax texture for me.
I love silk elements mild lye. I added a few generous squirts of motions CPR and tablespoon of olive oil to my Silk Elements relaxer and left it on for about 10 minutes. I got the perfect texlax texture for me.

Okay,so i googled Motions CPR,and its basically like adding protein to the relaxer right?

I'm gonna go ahead and try Silk Elements when i relax again since so much good is being said about it.
Is it truly comparable to Affirm?Just asking because that's what my other choice was.
Okay,so i googled Motions CPR,and its basically like adding protein to the relaxer right?

I'm gonna go ahead and try Silk Elements when i relax again since so much good is being said about it.
Is it truly comparable to Affirm?Just asking because that's what my other choice was.

Personally I can't STAND Affirm...and I remember when Affirm was all the "rave" years back. :look: That relaxer felt so good afterwards, but over time, it dried and thinned my hair considerably. :nono: So, I wouldn't recommend Affirm personally, but I know that some people love it. You have to know your hair I guess. ;)

But I just got my hair relaxed yesterday with Silk Elements Mild relaxer w/shea butter, and I like it so far. I guess I should post back within another month to REALLY see how this relaxer does on my hair (lol!), but so far, it's not bad. I used the mild formula, so it didn't relax me bone straight. So, if bone straight is what you're looking for, maybe the regular strength would be better for you I guess?

I can't STAND Motions Salon Herbals. YUCK! :nono: I wouldn't touch that with a ten-foot pole! That relaxer always made me feel like I never even had a relaxer in my hair! Granted, my hair was thicker when I used that relaxer, but it just always left my hair feeling hard and bushy at the roots. :(
All I know my hair is 4a (Idk how to tell if its thin or think strands) and i used Silk element mild and it straighten my hair fast, I also had a lot of JUNK in my hair. Maybe my hair is not that "resistant" or the relaxer was more stronger than I thought it would be. Just thought i'd let you know
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