Does your scalp get really sore?


Well-Known Member
My scalp gets sore all the time and I used to think this was a sign of growing hair then I read where some sistas said relaxers make your scalp sore. Okay, cool I accepted this went on with life until one day I made a connection. Not only does my scalp get sore but so does the skin my eyelashes grow out of and other areas on my body where hair and skin meet. Okay, hmmmm............wait a minute something else is going on. I don't relax my eyelashes nor do I relax the hair on my arm. So research here I come..................found out this is often related to fibromyaglia. Hair growth on any part of my body causes allodynia. A painful response to stimuli. I tend to explore this more with my dermatologist but wanted to make you other ladies aware that it might not be relaxer related after all. I've seen questions on here about sore scalps.
Maybe the condition is not directly related to relaxers but if I had sensitive skin/hair I'd avoid relaxers and other chemicals anyway.
My scalp gets sore... I have fibro (and other issues). I don't think you have to worry about fibro unless you are having other symptoms with the sore scalp.
I get sore patches on my scalp relatively often. I can't stand it. So I massage them despite the pain. I checked the fibro symptoms and I dont have them. But I do get eyelash pains/soreness as well.

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About 6-7 years ago I had a sore scalp (not all over just concentrated on the frontal crown area). I believe this was somehow correlated to the "thinness" I have in that same area that I am still working on trying to thicken back up.

This occurred a year post-relaxer when I became natural and I do not believe I have fibromyalgia.
Yeah, I get soar burning scalp sensations. Need to wash every 14 days. Pain never goes away. At first I thought it was a bad reaction to products and not illness related. But then again when I consider where else on my body I get the burning sensations, which Is pretty much all over lol.. I put two and two together and realized it was a add on symptom. Still searching for peppermint oil in stores, don't trust pharmacy creams. And the tea tree oils I get from the bss, suck.
Uh I don't know. I recall having really sore scalp when I was bone straight relaxed and prior to being diagnosed with Fibro. I guess I'll be on the look out.
I get sore on my edges sometimes. When I don't wash the front of my head every two weeks my seborrhea dermatitis acts up. Other than that the rest of my head is fine.
I get sore scalp once in awhile but I never thought my hair was growing b/c of it. I also get really sensitive around my armpits, lower abdomen and butt. I get joint pain and lower back painalso but I always write it off as from field work. Maybe they are related or not.
I've had sore scalp off and on for as long as I can remember. I thought it was because of ponytails then I was told it was because of the coils/curls that grow through our scalp. Then I finally tracked it a couple of years ago and realized that it always comes right before my period and disappears after. So I guess for me it's hormonal. I read the other symptoms of fibromyalgia and I don't have any of them so I know it's not that.
Thanks ladies for you informative posts. ItsMeFre mentioned it could be hormonal. That's also something to think about!