Does your natural hair shine?


New Member
I know that some natural hair textures have a lack of natural sheen, but does adding serums, gels,, sometimes it seems as if my new growth sucks up the initial shine (right after I add product) and remains dull. Then again, I havn't experimented with a lot of products. What gives your natural hair shine?
My hair has always been very shiny when natural or pressed. It lost its shininess during the years I relaxed it, but it has returned since going natural. I'd forgotten about how shiny my hair used to be. I don't do anything to add shine per se, but I've noticed it is enhanced when I rinse out my conditioner with very cold water.
My hair doesn't naturally shine. It doesn't even look wet when it is full of water.

I use black semi-permanent dye, and this gives my hair the shine. My hair is almost black anyway, so it doesn't make much of a difference color wise.
In general my hair does not shine, but some of my hair in the top of my head does shine. I guess because it is a different texture than the rest of my head.

My favorite shine creating product is Carols Daughter Mimosa hair honey.
Yes, it does, and it is especially noticable when my hair is stretched. My hair didn't shine as much when it was relaxed, so I take it as a sign that my hair is healthier now.
My hair doesn't shine, but it has a decent sheen to it as long as I moisturize it while it's dripping wet from my conditioner washes.
My mother says it does, but I'm not sure. LOL. When I look at individuals strands it looks very shiny, but w/all of the hairs grouped together it doesn't look all that shiny to me.
my hair does shine although i don't put anything to obtain this result. and i don't consider my hair to be very healthy right now, so i don't to what it is due..
I was looking at my locs last night and I was pleasantly surprised to find that my locs have that scattered sparkle shine -each strand reflects off light and grouped together to form the loc has left me with this effect.
My natural hair was shiny if I pulled my hair back, but only if it's pulled back. I guess I had the stretch shine going on.
I'm a 4 a/b. My hair has a sheeny shine too

I think of it in terms of materials, lol:

Pulled back (or not) my hair does NOT have a patent leather shine

it has more of a velvet sheen/shine if that makes sense. I gotta post my pics again.
My hair shines. I think it shines more now---since I've been taking flaxseed, fish, and evening primrose oil for a while.
Mine shines. More frequent washing (conditioner washes) made it shine more. I don't think it was necessarily the products i put on it because I switch them up so much.
CaramelHonee said:
Tara, i am here (doing the 2 finger eye to eye thingee) with you

[/ QUOTE ]

First of all Caramel, LOVE YOUR HAIR!!

And secondly, I could SEE what you are doing, so it caused me to almost spit out my hot chocolate. LOL!!
My hair shines...

Because the last rinse I do before I get out of the shower is with cool water...that gives my hair shine...

My hair also shines now with shea butter added to hold my twist....

But even without the shea would still shine.
No, not at all. Only when well moisturized and I put beeswax or a petroleum based grease on my hair. When I put my hair in a ponytail, only my ponytail has a bit of a shine if well moisturized.