Does your nape grow in and split?


Well-Known Member
Mine does and has for most of my life.
My hair is a mix of 4a/b and it's fine and delicate. I'm natural. My hair has always been a challenge. It grows and breaks at the slightest thing.

For the life of me I cannot understand what's going on with my nape. It has only done somewhat well when I wash and wear my hair in it's natural state and keep my nape twisted. I like to wear my hair straight, so I guess that's the main problem. I don't use a lot of heat. I flat iron on low with heat protectants about once every 2-3 wks.

I take vitamins, iron supplements, use protein, moisture, etc and still it grows in and snaps right off. Nothing is rubbing against this area. I usually wear my hair pinned up while I'm home. I'm starting to think it's an internal problem.

Has anyone else had this problem?

I have the same problem. Always have to baby that area. My nape is a different texture from the rest of my hair. This question was mentioned in another thread and a couple of ladies had great ideas on how to help that area. Some of them would just do a braid across the nape and leave that part of the hair moisturized and alone. I will see if I can find it for you but hopefully you will get the advice in this thread.
Thank you for your response. Yes, the hair in my nape is a different texture and it can't take much. deedoswell, What is your regimen for your nape?

My nape does a lot better when I twist it and leave it alone. It's short, so I gotta figure out how to braid it and still wear my hair straight.
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yodie, you braid a cornrow going across and then pin the tail against the cornrow and the rest of your hair covers it.
I have the same problem. The middle nape area is very fine and seems to get worse as I get older. I really never had any problems with it while relaxed, but now I'm texlaxed and I don't even put relaxer on that area but it stays a lot thinner than the nape on the sides. I thought it was breaking and splitting but I realize it's just thinning.
Thanks, ladies.

Sounds like a braid is my best option.
Is there a way to keep that hair from getting thinner?
I wonder if taking a larger dose of biotin would help this area. Any thoughts?
DKO Do you use topical creams?
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My nape hair is fine 3c so it already has a softer texture than the rest of my hair. It seems to be made of Velcro. It tangles and knots even after heavy moisturizing and sealing with grease or castor oil or light product with jojoba. It breaks off faster than it grows. I don't recall having nape issues quite like this as a relaxed head. Except that it was a bit resistant to the relaxer. I snip the ends every few months to no avail. Oh well!
yodie, you braid a cornrow going across and then pin the tail against the cornrow and the rest of your hair covers it.

^^^ this is exactly what I did for just about an entire year. The problem with nape was over processing from relaxers. I'm still relaxed but now my nape retains like the rest of my hair. I found a new stylist who started using mild relaxers and relaxed the are last.

As for what could be causing this with natural hair, it could be that you're not moisturizing and sealing that area properly. Maybe you aren't rinsing your protein treatments or shampoo out completely...the likely hood of the issue being internal seems slim seeing as the rest of your hair is thriving. Perhaps even getting a heavier Shea butter type moisturizer. What ever you do, be sure to test one thing at a time so you'll know exactly what cured the problem.

ETA: oh and start finger combing that area...axe the combs and brushes of all kinds.

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My nape was definitely overprocessed in my teens. I'll try my shea butter mixture in my nape. Is it necessary to seal shea butter? The shea item that I have is very heavy.
UPDATE: Braiding my nape has definitely helped. I was looking into getting a nape transplant, but I decided to moisturize and twist my nape and keep it that way. Well, it's growing and I'm actually retaining. I don't know how long it will get, but wearing my nape out is not an option. I'm trying to do the same for my edges. I envy women with easy hair.
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My hair has always been weak in the nape but I also have gotten growth in the past year from braiding it. Its the longest it's ever been at the mo'.
I did a search on the forum about this last night about this. I have an issue with it being super tight and dry. I moisture it but the hair there is so tight it doesn't stay moisturised for long. I shave the sides where it curls the tightest and have braided what's left and pinned them up. l have 4c hair but god only knows what type is lurking back there lol. It breaks easily so l have just leave it braided/twisted. Seems be doing the trick.

Also finger detangling first seems to work better for me
So I am relaxed BSL and my nape always looks and feels crunchy, also super short. After reading this thread I think it's from over processing. My question is how do u ladies who bun and ponytail get it to lie straight and smooth? I try to slick it up with some water and moisturizer but it never works. And my scarf always seems to Ride up at night leaving that area exposed. I'm tired of my fiancé askin me if I want a line up!!!!

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So I am relaxed BSL and my nape always looks and feels crunchy, also super short. After reading this thread I think it's from over processing. My question is how do u ladies who bun and ponytail get it to lie straight and smooth? I try to slick it up with some water and moisturizer but it never works. And my scarf always seems to Ride up at night leaving that area exposed. I'm tired of my fiancé askin me if I want a line up!!!!

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Why did I just :lachen: ? Sorry, that was not even cool. I'm actually in here because DD's nape is very sensitive. I tried flat twisting it or twisting it, but it always comes lose. I'm going to just try to cornrow it and keep it like that regardless of the style she is wearing.
So I am relaxed BSL and my nape always looks and feels crunchy, also super short. After reading this thread I think it's from over processing. My question is how do u ladies who bun and ponytail get it to lie straight and smooth? I try to slick it up with some water and moisturizer but it never works. And my scarf always seems to Ride up at night leaving that area exposed. I'm tired of my fiancé askin me if I want a line up!!!!

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I gel mine up with eco styler gel and tie it with a scarf. The scarf doesnt ride up because it kinda sticks to the gel.
I hat that we have this issue, but it's good to know that I'm not alone.
I bobby pin or clip my tiny twists up to hold them in place. I never wear my hair up. Just can't do it right now. Miss Jessies Buttercream makes my nape and edges soft.
This nape problem that you all speak of has been the bane of my hair's existence ever since I can remember (long before LHCF). I've been natural for 3 years now and its improving albeit s-l-o-w-l-y... I've tried it all and the best thing for me is black castor oil. It's the only moisturizing substance that seems to have any effect in terms of maintaining actual softness and preventing further breakage. The braid is a great idea; if you can actually catch the hairs :ohwell:
for the longest while, i didn't actually have a nape. it was eaten out and chewed up. I turned it around by using the aphogee green tea and keratin mist (as well as my usual leave ins) on it to strengthen it until it was long enough to plait into 3 short stumpy mini minibraids. On wash day i would undo them, finger detangle, and plait them right back up. I had a real problem with lint from hats, scarfs and collars getting trapped so finger detangling it more regularly became neccessary. once it had grown a bit more i began cutting away the splitty shredded ends. after the dead ends were gone it was simply a matter of keeping it in plaits. the difficulty was getting it long enough to actually plait in the first place
This is a great thread. I too have had nape issues for a while and it seems to have gotten worse before starting my HHJ. Now that I think I'm on the right track I feel like it's growing soooo slowly. I also wondered if maybe I needed to trim any splits/damage but it doesn't seem like there is much to trim. My nape seems to be very course and drier than the rest of my hair. I was starting to think my old stylist was right and maybe it really just won't grow. If there is any progress at all I can't tell. :nono: I'm using JBCO with a little peppermint essential oil so I'm hoping I'll notice a boost in growth along with my supplements. Time shall tell slowly but surely I hope.