Does Your Man Know Your "Cycle"??


Well-Known Member
My boyfriend told me i should be "due" next week and asked if i was getting cramps. He really keeps up with it. One time he asked about it and I told him I already had it and we had a 3 minute discussion about why it came that week instead of this week and asking me did it skip and what was I doing and am I taking my pills correctly or did i change my pills...LOL He was dead serious about it too. Would go do something else, then come back and ask why the dates changed...I couldn't stop laughing at him. :lachen:

He knows how long it should last, what time it should come and everything.

Ladies, is that a normal thing w/ your SO or DH? Do they know your cycle better than you do?
Mine pretty much knows...he starts to ask what happened to it if it feels like its been too long to him
Yes :ohwell:.......... it's second nature for a man to plot out times when he's gonna be able to get some. It's almost as if he can smell it coming a week ahead and tries to get his fill :look:
Yes :ohwell:.......... it's second nature for a man to plot out times when he's gonna be able to get some. It's almost as if he can smell it coming a week ahead and tries to get his fill :look:

Oh yea, I forgot about that. So true...... they act they they are gonna have to go without food/water for a week or something.... I'm like dang it ain't that serious.
Yes :ohwell:.......... it's second nature for a man to plot out times when he's gonna be able to get some. It's almost as if he can smell it coming a week ahead and tries to get his fill :look:
Um, while you are playing my boyfriend says he can smell it coming. He said the scent of the cattrap changes. He says it's not bad, but he just knows. He usually tells me when it's coming. :nono:
He does, but mostly because i keep my BC pills in plain sight so he knows when i get down to the white pills which indicate my cycle should be starting
Oh yea, I forgot about that. So true...... they act they they are gonna have to go without food/water for a week or something.... I'm like dang it ain't that serious.

I know, right? :lachen::lachen::lachen:

I have a pocket calendar and I put a red dot on the days I'm due to start. My moods don't really change, my eating habits do. On the days leading up to the red dot, I want lots and lots of beef and drink more coffee.

Last month I started 2 weeks early after I started drinking a acv/honey/blackstrap molasses tonic. I wasn't aware I was about to start - no zit, no "twinge", no bloat. He said, "honey, you drank two cups of coffee today, is Red Dot Day coming up?" I said, "no, it's two weeks away." I started that afternoon. :rolleyes:

It's odd & unsettling being that connected to someone but I wouldn't have it any other way.
Too well. He knows when I am getting my period and can always tell around what day I will be ovulating.
Yep, he knows....better than I do.

But I HATE when he says "your period must be coming" when I get an attitude or become in his mind irrational or hostile about something....I hate it because he's always right.
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Yes :ohwell:.......... it's second nature for a man to plot out times when he's gonna be able to get some. It's almost as if he can smell it coming a week ahead and tries to get his fill :look:

Yess!! Hubby will start watching tv with me and talking 'bout how much he really luvs me, I'm like 'you just want some'... Then 2 days later,here it is!!
Yeah he knows it b/c I'm playing the russion roulette game right now...its pull it out and go:look::perplexed

I've been so lazy about BC since I had my last son:ohwell: I need to s**t or get off the pot for real. This is coming from a medical professional as well:rolleyes:
Yeah he knows it b/c I'm playing the russion roulette game right now...its pull it out and go:look::perplexed

I've been so lazy about BC since I had my last son:ohwell: I need to s**t or get off the pot for real. This is coming from a medical professional as well:rolleyes:

I think that we are the worst sometimes when it comes to taking care of ourselves.

My neighbor started getting lazy on BC and was doing the "pull out and pray" method with her hubby. Well as of May, she's now the proud parent of twin boys!
I think that we are the worst sometimes when it comes to taking care of ourselves.

My neighbor started getting lazy on BC and was doing the "pull out and pray" method with her hubby. Well as of May, she's now the proud parent of twin boys!

:lachen:yeah that method isn't very reliable. can't add to this thread cause i've never been with a guy for that long.
I just texted my husband to ask him :lachen::lachen: Can you tell I'm bored?

Anyhow, he says yes because I become annoyed easily and I'm cranky and I have no patience with strangers:spinning:
Sure does. I keep track myself but its amazing how he always knows when Im about to start and remembers how long ago the last time was.
He keeps track of it and is usually very acurate..... He's insisting that it did not come last month and I'm like... why do you care, I have in an IUD which i trust:yep:
Mine don't and I don't either. I normally only have a couple a year even though this year I've had 4 so far which is to many for him.
Yes he does he knows i get grumpy and fussy during the first couple of days and he just ignores me and let me get my fuss on. :grin: