Does your husband or SO attend church with you?


Well-Known Member
I read somewhere that something like 60% of church attendants are women .
Do you and your SO attend church service and activities together?
Yes, both me and my husband are active members in our local church. Now depending on the church activity, we may attend together or maybe one of us will attend.
Absolutely. When we were dating I attended another church, but when he proposed I followed him to his church. I will admit, he had to remind me a few times... I really enjoyed my old church.
Yes. We just went together for the first time on Valentine's Day.
My SO seems to like my church a lot. I have yet to go to his church.
Yes he does. Unless he is sick. If one of us don't feel up to go we both stay home. I try not to let it get that way but sometimes we just have to pass up a night of bible study to catch up on house work or sleep. We are so involved with our church that we don't feel terrible for taking a day off in a blue moon. We both attend the same church even before marriage but I was a long time member and he was being invited by a deacon who he worked with and after many months of delay he finally came and although he met me from work (we're military), knowing I was a saved woman pretty much was the icing on the cake for us to get married after we started dating. I feel so sorry for people who come to church alone b/c their spouse isn't saved. it's tough being unequally yoked.