Does your hair seem to shed more when its natural/curly, worried....

Ive been straigtehning my hair alot less lately and it seems when i wash im getting shedding thats scaring me quite a bit since ive also been thru a stressful time lately also...,, im thinking since its curly and tangled also the normal shed hairs are not falling off as they would when staight,,, tonight i counted near 150 to 200 hairs , i saved the ball, of hair, this is after a week of no brushing and tangled hair,, im so hoping its the fact that shed hairs are staying in the nest lol but ive never seen shedding like this b4.... then again i typically wear it straight,,, anyone figure this out:perplexed
I definitely concur with your worries. I am natural and I wore my hair mostly curly from Sept '06 to Nov '07. Since then I have been wearing it straight and I think I am retaining much more length this way. I think my hair tangles and breaks too much when its curly and the manipulation = little to no hair growth. I washed it last Sunday and wore it curly for 3 days and by Wednesday when I detangled I ended up with a huge ball of hair in my hand. In 3 days of my hair being straight I never get that kind of shedding/breakage. So I've decided that I'm going to wear my hair straight permanently and get it pressed every other week. Hopefully I'll be able to retain more length this way.
Ive been straigtehning my hair alot less lately and it seems when i wash im getting shedding thats scaring me quite a bit since ive also been thru a stressful time lately also...,, im thinking since its curly and tangled also the normal shed hairs are not falling off as they would when staight,,, tonight i counted near 150 to 200 hairs , i saved the ball, of hair, this is after a week of no brushing and tangled hair,, im so hoping its the fact that shed hairs are staying in the nest lol but ive never seen shedding like this b4.... then again i typically wear it straight,,, anyone figure this out:perplexed

I agree with the bolded.
It is normal to shed 10-60 hairs daily. If you refrain from combing or brushing daily, those shed hairs will tend to 'stay' in your strands easier with curly rather than straight hair. When hair is straight, the hairs tend to slide out easier, it seems. So combing/brushing/washing daily will get your 10-60 shed hairs per day. Multiple your normal daily shed by the number of days you don't manipulate your hair, and the hair you lose should even out to normal. If your shedding hair is accompanied by breakouts, sores, rashes, burning, intense itching with flaking or other types of inflammation or trauma to the scalp, you should see a doctor.