Does your hair seem thinner after you relax?


Well-Known Member
I got a touch up today and I noticed that afterwards my hair is very thin. I didn't have any excessive hair shedding and it was my normal texture yesterday before I relaxed. My stylist said to give it about a week and then it should return to normal after my weekly wash. What do you ladies think?
Did you get it flatironed or blowdried or just set? Maybe your stylist is right...check out the texture after you wash.
I just got it set. It looked soooo ugly, we through that mess in a updo and kept pushing.
Well, if the texture was normal the day before you relaxed...and if you relaxed the new growth only, I wouldn't worry too much about it just yet. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
how often do u get touchups???

[/ QUOTE ]I haven't had a touch up in about 4 months b/c I had been wearing micros for about two months.
my hair always used to seem thin after I relaxed but that was mostly because they iunsisted on blowdrying and flatironing my hair bone straight, since it is just mildly relaxed.
I couldn't WAIT to wash it after a relaxer cause I can't stand my hair to look thin cause I have a wide face. I would wah it and see how it looks, if its still thin then you are prob using a relaxer that is too strong.
Mine used to, especially because the relaxer was pressed to my head as if my life depended on it! I already have fine hair, so I did not need all that smoothing done! After a wash, it did bounce back, though. I agree with what the ladies say here. Don't worry just yet! Also, since it has been so long since your hair was relaxed, maybe you have "forgotten" what you looked like directly after--especially since your hair probably looked super poofy with 4 months of new growth! Wait until wash day. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
My hair would do the same thing after a retouch. I agree with the other ladies wait for at least a week if you can and then wash it and see if your hair bounces back mine does.
That happens to me. My hair just kind of lays close to the scalp, but after a week or so, I get a lot more body as the new hair starts to lift up. I am sure that you will be fine.
Two or three years ago when I used to get my hair relaxed straight, I noticed that it did appear thin. This was way after I got the touch-up.
hey meka... i am wondering if the micro braids could have something to do with this... i hope your hair thickens up soon.....
That happens to me. My hair just kind of lays close to the scalp, but after a week or so, I get a lot more body as the new hair starts to lift up.

[/ QUOTE ]

Same here...
My hair seemed really thin after I relaxed my hair in August but once it dries it reverts back to it's thick texture. Hair is so wierd...
This happens to me too. I would also have a look at the relaxer brand and strength you're using. I notice this happens to me much more when I use "regular" strength relaxers instead of Mild, and I notice it ALOT when I use Revlon, Affirm, or Motions brands. I used Arosci last time. I'm sure I loved that one either - but I wanted to at least give an example of ONE that this doesn't happen with. It also doesn't happen with Elucence, incidentally.