Does Your Hair Length Play Tricks on You?

All the time!!! And I'm sure people think I'm crazy or just plan stuck up because I'm constantly checking my reflection to make sure my hair is still there. Getting past this SL bump is a journey so when I pull my hair down and can swear I'm APL I'm thinking I've accoplished my goal. Glad I'm not alone though....
OMG I thought I was the only one! My hair is constantly tricking me. One minute I'll look in the mirror and be like, Wow I'm one step away from BSL. Then later I'll look again and my hair will look barely APL. :nono:

Drives me insane!

I just wanna get to MBL. That'll be my "safe length", so even if I have shrinkage or whatever my hair will still look super-long. :gorgeous:
o yes lol, this totally happens to me, i hate it,, my front sides are past apl but sometimes they look like shoulder length to me lol and ill compare myself to everyone i see and fee like im shorter than they are but in fact im as long or LONGER! its crazy:grin:
yes *sheds tear*

since I've been transitioning for about a year, it feels like my hair hasn't grown at all because of the shrinkage
You all know what I mean...

One day you're looking at your length and you swear up and down that you're APL or BSL or whatever.

Then the next day, it looks like it's one or two inches shorter when you stretch it!

Call me crazy (cuz i Know I am :lachen:), but does anyone else have this happen to them?

All the darn time! I thought is was just me! :lachen::lachen:
It sure does. And I still dont understand why it seems to shrink more, the more new growth I get. Im especially frustrated today because Im due for a touch up in 2 weeks. My hair currently looks as if I havent made progress for months.
I feel this way all the time I really dont know what length I am because my hair be going thru it for real. I havent had it straight since my avatar and that was in Aug. so no telling how long my hair really is. One moment I feel like I making all the progres in the world then the next day I feel like my hair is just as short as when I started......ahhhhhh when is it going to end
ALL the time! One day, it's like "YES!! ALMOST AT MY GOAL!" and the next, it's "What? Just bearly past shoulder length?" and I freak out, thinking I have breakage. :nono: As soon as I wash it, I hop out the shower with wet hair and a mirror to see! LOL! But shrinkage really "steals" length. I try to explain it to my S.O, but he doesn't understand and looks at his biracial sister with midback length curls that have actually stretched looser with the weight of all her hair and wonders "But the longer it gets, isn't it supposed to weigh down?" :rolleyes:
I have it slapped up in a bun because I really can't stand it either.:wallbash:
mine always has jokes....:yep:
I barely dusted my hair a few days ago and now it seems like I cut it :ohwell:
I JUST got a touchup too....*sigh*...I thought I was armpit but not its looking like its just past my shoulders lol :wallbash: So I guess Im shooting for full armpit in December and BSL by my birthday in May! Thats gonna be 5 months of some intense haircare! They say set your goals high! ;)