Does your hair have a 'bad' side? + pics


Well-Known Member
Or just a side or section you like less than the others?
I don't mean 'bad' as in the whole 'good hair, bad hair' thing, I mean it as in, you know when people are taking pictures and are like, "take me from the right side, my left is my bad side."
Just to clarify. :)

My 'bad' side is the left front section of my hair.

The front of my hair is the loosest, finest part of my hair already and the left side of it barely curls. It just waves, and when I apply gel to it it's straight until I scrunch it a bit. When slicked back, that part of my hair is straight, whereas the rest of my hair has waves. I used to think it was heat damaged but it's not. I've trimmed it various times and it just grows back the same way.
That part is easiest to straighten and doesn't tangle much but still, I hate the crappy looking barely-curls it gives when I'm washing and going, whereas the other side curls up beautifully.

This is why most of my pics in my siggys and avis are taken from my right side. (current siggy included)

I also don't like the left front side as much because my edges there are very thin. There is in fact a bald spot there caused by years of me wearing extremely tight ponytails when I was in school, and I doubt it will ever grow back so I've learnt to work with it.

A few comparison pics between the left side and the right side so you can see the difference.

Left Side

Right Side

See the difference? Now, my hair was still quite wet in the pics so the left side does shrink and get a tiny bit curlier than that but not much, definitely not as much as the right side. (see siggy pic for dry, fully shrunken hair).

What is your 'bad' side? Pics are very welcome. :)
Beautiful hair!

My whole right side is my bad side, including my face. lol I think I sleep on that side the most. My hair does not lay right and it's slightly shorter than the left. It's always been that way.
I like taking pics from my right side b/c the hair just lays better (when flatironed) and appears longer (even though it not).
I don't really have a "bad" side but my left side is visibly shorter than the right. I have tried to pinpoint why but I can't. I don't really sleep on the left side more so I don't know what it could be.

BTW, you have very pretty hair OP and it doesn't look like you have any "bad" sides to me :yawn:
Hmmm, I never thought about it. Most of my pictures are from the back. I am going to have to start taking some pictures from the side.

I love your hair, especially the color!!
My right side is a pain. It is coarser and harder to manage so I prefer my left side when photographing.

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My left side was always shorter than my right! However, in the past few months, the left front side is longer! I don't get it but hey, I'll work with it!
I don't call it a bad side--one side just acts differently than the other and I'd perferred it to be more uniform.

The left front side of my curls are much looser than the right front side which is a little tighter. It makes wearing a washngo with my hair parted down the middle impossible because it throws the whole look off.

For a while after I became natural, I use to cut it hoping that it would grow differently, but it never did :lol:
Bad side hair girl checking in....The left side of my head has always been finer. I blame all the wrapping i would do from that side for many years. On my last hair journey a few years ago, I managed to get the thickness back eventually. But it took time!!
I suffered some serious shedding all to that side to, But it appears to be over!!
Can't wait to get an even
As a child I remember one side of my hair was longer and acted better but I can't remember which. My hair started acting right when I came here.
argh! I am with [USER]CB1731[/USER]. My entire right side is awkward. My hair is thinner and less shiny on that side also slightly shorter and my face is also "different" on that side. lolol ah well.:lachen:
I don't call it a bad side--one side just acts differently than the other and I'd perferred it to be more uniform.

The left front side of my curls are much looser than the right front side which is a little tighter. It makes wearing a washngo with my hair parted down the middle impossible because it throws the whole look off.

For a while after I became natural, I use to cut it hoping that it would grow differently, but it never did :lol:

OMG this is exactly like my hair! And yes, I used to keep cutting it too! In fact, I even cut it again a few months ago. In the pics I added, my hair was parted down the middle. I hardly wear wash and go's that way because then the difference in the two sides too obvious. I usually part my hair on the side.
I think it depends on the style for me. My right side has much looser curls and longer than my left side. My left side is much fuller though. Overall I like to be photographed from the left side.
My hair is exactly the same, except it's a thin layer of hair on either side of my middle part. I call it my "runway." That hair acts exactly the same way you described. It's so annoying!!!!
Absolutely! My right side has it all- its longer, has swang and everything but this left side- nothin goin on there lol! I dont know why this is because I always keep my hair in braids and I don't manipulate it much either.
I hope I'm still on topic. I flip my hair towards the right so the part is on the left but my hair looks better when my hair is flipped towards the left and parted on the right. I feel awkward about changing where I part my hair since most people flip it towards the right and I don't want to be "odd". LOL, does all of that make sense? :perplexed :lol:
OMG this is exactly like my hair! And yes, I used to keep cutting it too! In fact, I even cut it again a few months ago. In the pics I added, my hair was parted down the middle. I hardly wear wash and go's that way because then the difference in the two sides too obvious. I usually part my hair on the side.

Yes, your pics remind me of my hair :lol: That's why I wear twist-outs mostly, to get a more uniform look all over.
My front left side is retarded. It lays flat and coils are much tighter. My SO thinks that its because I mainly sleep with my left side to my pillow.
I understand. I prefer the right side over the left. My face and hair look better from the right angle than the left. The left side of my hair looks different than the right, its not as thick and it doesn't hold curls properly.
Yep, back left. I don't know what happened to it honestly. I only notice it when it's straight and I don't straighten very often but the last few times I did I noticed that it is shorter than the other side and doesn't hang in the same way. See my siggy.
My left side is janky. I sleep and talk on the phone on that side. I think it might be a taste shorter, but curls act a fool on that side...le sigh...