does your hair grow better straight and down or in protective styles?


Active Member
I ask this because it seems that my hair grows better when I straighten it (press or flat iron) and wear it down and wash less often than when I co-wash, leave naturally curly or put up into a protective style.

I have been co-washing, roller sets and protective styles and I swear I lost more hair than if I was to flat iron and wear it down and it seems to be growing even slower.:confused:

I just wanted to see if I was the only one that feels this way
My hair grows regardless of style, BUT retains length when in buns. I play with my hair too much when its out. :-)
Mz Avalon,
you are very fortunate! I wish I could say the same. I feel like when I do all that manipulation it just doesn't pay off.
Blackrican said:
My hair grows regardless of style, BUT retains length when in buns. I play with my hair too much when its out. :-)

I play with mine too, so I can only imagine how much it would grow if I left it alone. I pull on it when I'm nervous and twirl when I am bored. I may need therapy:lol:
grnidmonster said:
Mz Avalon,
you are very fortunate! I wish I could say the same. I feel like when I do all that manipulation it just doesn't pay off.

Maybe you could try protective styles until you get over your hump? I wore braids for a couple of years when my hair was shorter to help me. Probably wasn't really *necessary* but it definitely made it easier!:)