Does your hair grow at different rates?


New Member
I just measured my NG in the back of my head and it was barely 4 inches. I measured in the middle of my head and it was 4 1/2 inches:ohwell:
Yes, my front grows much slower than my back. :ohwell: I'm thinking about using a growth aid only on the front to try and even things out.
The front grows slower then the back & the right side grows a lot quicker than the left ...

Happy Hair Growing!
^Woah! You too? I thought for the longest that too much was cut on the left from the beginning. But I can visibly see the difference. And my back does grow faster than the front too....interesting....
the back of my head, like just below the crown on down grows the quickest... i've never measured my hair but it's the longest hair even though it started out the shortest
Yes definitely the back grows much faster than the front hairline to the very top of my head. Back right side grows slower than the left.
I'm not sure if certain sections are growing at different rate or if it's a difference in curl pattern.
Yes! The front and sides have been the same length forever, but the back grows much longer! I need long hair on the sides! Ugh
Yes and it's a pain. The hair on my left side grows noticeably shorter than the right and to top it off it's a completely different texture.
Yes! My hair has a mullet-ish shape when wet because the front is much shorter than the back and middle. In the beginning the middle grew like wildfire and now that it's winter it's slowed down a little and the back has taken over but the front is still doing it own thang :ohwell: