Does your hair go through "wack" phases?


Well-Known Member
My hair is being really BLAH right now :perplexed

My crown area is giving me problems no matter what I do. It's itchy, flakey, won't style properly, and it literally has a "greyish" cast to it.

Ugh.....I've tried clarifying it, ACV rinses, putting product on it, NOT putting product on it :spinning:

I notice that sometimes, a random area of my hair will just not behave.

Just venting I guess :spinning:

Anyone else have random wack spots?
My hair has been whack since I got "trimmed" but a scissor happy stylists last year. The trim was suppose to even out my hair and make it lay better so I could wear it down but it had the opposite effect. He cut it into a mullet and now I have a V shape which I hate. Coupled with the cold and dry weather my hair has looked a HAM.

I also had some breakage in my crown. It seems to be a bit better but now my right side is a bit longer than the left :angry2:

I'm deciding on a wig to get for the summer since seeing it annoys me. I found a Super Cuts near me that I'm considering to even out the ends.
Yes some days my hairline is laid and obedient with minimal effort...other days it doesnt know me. I'm happy that it is thickening up though...thanks to Rogaine. So yeah, I am grateful fi dat.
Oh yeah...I forgot bout my post partum shed!!!

That's also having a very negative effect on my crown/edges. My hair thinned out SEVERELY in that area. Now that it's growing back in, I have these weird little curly-q's that make me look like I stuck my finger in a socket :nono:

When will this phase be over?!?!?!?!
Yes, some days my hair behaves and looks cute in a wash & go. There are times when my hair decides to do weird things and it won't even curl after being wet. I bun on those days.
Have you tried chelating? It could be minerals and the like from your water. But yea my hair has been in a funk lately too. I really need to get it shaped or something as well but I'm paranoid of hair salons.
I have this little spot that's super shorter than the rest and super dry with absolutely NO, I mean NON curl definition. I think I must've burnt that section especially hard one day with the flatiron and now it's traumatized. The messed up part is it's on my crown so it pretty much falls on top of the rest of my hair, so I can't even play it off.
It's coming along tho, I can see a light at the end of the tunnel.
This area was sooo damaged I had to stop wearing my microlinks cuz I could no longer blend the hair in that spot :'( lol.
But I do owe my HHJ to it, so :)
My entire head is whack and subject to freak out mode at any given moment. Chelating was the missing piece to my puzzle. Redken Cleansing Cream is awesome for clarifying & chelating.