Does your hair change color - on it's own???


Well-Known Member
I've always thought of my hair as being black. Not jet black, but probably a really dark brown. Last week I put myself on a daily co-washing challenge. I normally wash once a week but I wanted to try daily to see how it worked for my hair. Driving to work this week, I constantly check out the rearview and vanity mirrors (y'all know you do it too) and see my hair is a very light brown, almost auburn color. :confused: I only use basic conditioners and moisturizers on my hair, nothing strong chemicals or peroxides. My hair isn't any weaker or different in texture, it's just a different color now than it was a week ago. Has anyone else experienced a hair color change for no apparent reason?

TIA! :)

My hair turns a deep red wine (I must say.... it's quite beautiful) in the spring and goes back to dark brown in the winter.
Yep, one side of my hair is a reddish-brown on the ends and the front is a brown color also. The rest of my hair is off-black. Shoot, I wish the other side would do this. The only thing is I have a hard time matching phoney ponies up because of all the different colors.:perplexed
When I was relaxing my hiar it would change colors and also in the summer my hair will "sun bleach." But that happens to everyone in my family.
Undefeated Queen said:
YES! My hair turns a reddish brown in the summer and it gets darker towards winter. I have never highlighted or dyed my hair.

mine too. At the roots, it's a dark, dark brown. In the middle, it's sandy brown, and on the last few inches, I have remnants from my highlights. It looks a mess. I want to dye it black cause I love that black hair "bling" but my mom says black hair makes me look like Elvira!:lol:
Yeah, mine gets redder in the summertime, and I also get a blond streak right in the top of my head. I didn't get it this summer though.
Well my change isn't for no reason. My hair turns brown in the summer. I don't think it's a good thing for my hair. It may be sun damage or something.:confused: Not sure..
Yep in the summer time my hair would always turn an auburn-brown/reddish color and then turn dark brown for the winter. Last summer though, my hair turned the same reddish-brown, but instead of getting darker, it continued to lighten to a a very light brown color and has not changed back since. I think it may have had something to do with me changing climates but I am not sure. My roots have come in dark brown and have not lightened up so my hair gradually changes from this dark brown at the roots, brown in the middle to light brown/dark blonde at my ends. I hated it when I came home from school for winter break and everyone just KNEW I had dyed my hair even though I didnt.:mad:
crlsweetie912 said:
mine too. At the roots, it's a dark, dark brown. In the middle, it's sandy brown, and on the last few inches, I have remnants from my highlights. It looks a mess. I want to dye it black cause I love that black hair "bling" but my mom says black hair makes me look like Elvira!:lol:

Great post, I thought that I was just crazy my hair is dark brown at the roots and reddish brown past the roots and I've never dyed it. But I would love to have blue black hair.:)
Did you mention in another post that you were Nigerian, I am part Nigerian and my hair is this weird brownish red color...It is annoying because I want black hair and rinses are a mess and I don't want to damage my hair with dye. My mother is AA and her hair is dark dark brown maybe black and I have always had hair that had reddish hues. My little cousin's father is from Ghana and her hair is similar to mine maybe even more reddish brown. My mother makes fun of us in a joking way!

I don't know if it is an African thing or what???...might be;)
My hair is the color 1b in the wintertime and 4 in the looks even lighter than that when the flash from a camera hits it. :look:
Do you know that natural color fades too? Most people think that only chemical color fades but all color does whether it be natural or chemical. That's the reason why most people's hair is usually darker at the roots and lighter at the tips. :)
I'm glad someone brought this up. My hair does this all the time. It has a red undertone in the summer. Once the leaves start changing in the fall so does my hair. It turns an ash brown color until the spring. I kind of like it. When i was a little kid I used to think it was freaky. My hairdresser said it's normal. Your body doesn't necessarily have the same level of pigmentation at all times and not to worry. Sometimes it can be from to much exposure in the summer. Depends on what kind of colors it's turning. If you are worried it's due to exposure you can insulate your hair with a good conditioner in the summer. HTH!
Yes, mine does (see second pic in my siggy without flash) especially in the summertime. I wasn't out in the sun too much this year, so it didn't get as light as it usually does.
Yup, my hair use to be jet black now I notice in sunlight it has turned a darkish reddish brown color on the ends
Girl yes. During the summer if I'm outside alot my hair turns red..... seriously. It's funny because the same thing happens to my nieces and nephews. Dark chocolate brown skin and dark to medium auburn hair.
My natural hair color is dark brown. I get blonde'ish highlights in the early summer months, then towards the late summer/early fall I get reddish highlights.
beyondcute said:
When I was relaxing my hiar it would change colors and also in the summer my hair will "sun bleach." But that happens to everyone in my family.

Same with me! And since I henna and have old highlights, i have all kinds of color in my hair. lol
Before getting highlights, my natural hair color was dark brown, but I noticed once I got a perm, it started to lighten up that very next summer after I relaxed. I even remember being in a grocery store and the cashier telling me she liked the color in my hair. She went on to ask me what color it was. I said "natural". Then she asked "who makes that"?:lol:
blackbarbie said:
Before getting highlights, my natural hair color was dark brown, but I noticed once I got a perm, it started to lighten up that very next summer after I relaxed. I even remember being in a grocery store and the cashier telling me she liked the color in my hair. She went on to ask me what color it was. I said "natural". Then she asked "who makes that"?:lol:

:lachen: :lol:
Good thread! I didn't know it happened to so many, maybe everyone. I wondered if it had to do with one's diet. My hair has a lot of auburn in it, which I like, along with dark and medium browns. It gets lighter in the summer too. I haven't used a hair color yet because I really love the colors I have.
Isis said:
Good thread! I didn't know it happened to so many, maybe everyone. I wondered if it had to do with one's diet. My hair has a lot of auburn in it, which I like, along with dark and medium browns. It gets lighter in the summer too. I haven't used a hair color yet because I really love the colors I have.

I was nervous about getting color the first time I did b/c I was so happy with the "natural" highlights the sun would give me every summer. I was so afraid that the real thing (color) would damage my hair b/c I had heard so many horror stories. I have been fortunate though and I am still happy with the decision to add highlights.