Does your DH or SO have their own length goals for your hair?

mightyisis6874 said:
My DH's original goal was just above APL. At the time, my hair was SL, so his goal was a loooong way off. In fact, he wasn't sure I'd be able to reach it! I'm happy to say I passed his goal with this last touchup. :D

Now he's dying for me to hit BSL. :lol:

See, what I'm saying!:confused: You just can't satisfy 'em. if ya grow hair they just keep wanting more!:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
My DH's idea of long WAS shoulder length. Thanks to me planting the seed of waistlength in his head, he is so ready to see my hair grazing the waistband of my jeans. :ohwell:
prospurr4 said:
My DH's idea of long WAS shoulder length. Thanks to me planting the seed of waistlength in his head, he is so ready to see my hair grazing the waistband of my jeans. :ohwell:

Keep planting those seeds girl, before long he'll be living with Crystal Gayle.:lol:
As long as my hair stays long (I guess mid back or longer) the bfs don't care. I've been known to get scissor happy a time or two...
LOL!! Bump!

My BF and I just had a talk about this. My goal is waistlength, even then I may cut it a little shorter. Do you know that my man said "baby, you should let it grow until is hits ur a$$..that'll be real sexy!":lol: I said " if you pay for my PJ addiction, we may be able to work somethin out...he changed his mind back to waistlength quick!:lachen:
I just asked mine and he said, "Just don't go bald." He's actually shocked that my hair is as long as it is today considering that I could barely put it in a ponytail when I first met him.
My husband just wants my hair a heck of a lot longer than it is right now. He hates the length of my hair....but loves me still. I don't believe that I could have fully learned how to deal with my texture without chopping though. I want to have WL hair stretched and that is fine with hubby, his perfect goal for me is MBL straight.
My long-haired hippie hubby wants me to go natural, no matter how long. I'm almost at 10 weeks post and I have to smack his hand away from playing in my new growth. :mad:

I showed him lengths I want to achieve and he's all for it - as long as I do twistouts or braidouts every now and then. That's our compromise.
Are your hair goals the same or different that what your DH or SO would like to see on you?

He's more pro-natural than I am. I've relaxed twice since we've been married and each time he was like:perplexed & quite relieved when I got disgusted and cut it off.

As far as ideals, his are the huge Angela Davis-eqsue 'fros. When we met I was 'froin' it and sometimes doing braids. He also likes long locs. Third choice is long/big and curly, wavy then lastly straight.

He really dislikes short hair, particularly short straight(or straightened) hair(he doesn't even like the Anita B./oldHalle/Nia L.) on women. His exception to the anti-short thing seems to be Eve's old look. Ms. EveyEve could do no wrong.:lol:

Whenever I'm watching What Not To Wear or any kind of hair makeovers he's usually cringing over the haircuts. He also cringes at the blowouts/straightening. I've tried to not let him influence my final choices.
Luckily, we're usually on the same wavelength and it's good to have someone to tell me to put down the scissors.

My father was a long hair fan who maintained that my mom lured him in with her hair then hacked it off after she hooked him(just after the wedding:lol:). He seemed to take it personally even though they joked about it. She had long hair again briefly when I was young and my brother was a baby but she's kept it medium & shorter...always above the shoulders pretty much 1980s on. The long hair was really pretty on her, even just up in a bun but she said she was tired of it. So, she just neverminded my father's opinion about her length.

I'm off and on abt whether to seriously consider men's ideas about what we should do w/ our hair.:confused:
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This thread is funny cause DH and I were talking about this the other day :lol:...his goal for me is at least BSL...he really wants mid back though....
My SO loves my hair natural and wild, he is always like "why did you straighten it?". I gave him the whole heat and damage talk, and he says I should just wear it curly so my hair doesn't break off.

He sounds like an LHCF member, lol. He prefers long hair as well, I told him the other day I want WL curly hair unstretched, he was like that would look really pretty, you can do it. How inspirational, he got my back, lol!:grin:
I was shocked :eek:when my hubby showed me a pic of a girl with mbl hair, that's where he wants it, and that is what I am striving for once I hit bsl.
DH loves this hair growing process. His mom & sister always had apl hair so, Long hair is what he wants to see.

He likes stretching my hair to see how close it is to my bra strap. He told me recently that he likes the length of my hair right now and if it doesn't have to be any longer than this, but he doesn't want it any shorter than this.

I know he really wants my hair full BSL maybe slightly past BSL. That's my aim.
What a great thread!! :yay:My BF has really been supporting me through this whole hair ordeal. He reminds me that when we met (about 3.5 years ago) my hair was a little longer and a lot thicker than it is now and came to a point (v-shape) in the middle of my back. He says that he wants me to get back to that look. I just nod and say okay, but I am planning on getting my hair longer than that. :D I know that he really likes long hair and the girls that I know he's dated in the past have had BAD hair and have relied on weaves. :ohwell:
My fiance would like my hair to be in-between APL and BSL. The best description is shoulder-blade length. However I would like MBL.:)
My husband said he liked long hair about 3.5 years ago when we first got serious and my hair was still fairly short from the BC and shrinkage. I just said OK and didn't think anything of it. I straightened my hair recently and I asked him if it was the length he liked and he was like :perplexed. He indicated that he thought it was long about 6 months after he told me he liked long hair. So Shoulder Length is long to my hubby. I am not even sure if my hair was shoulder length. I was about 1 year post BC and I started off with .5 inch of hair.
not my so. he loves my hair at this lenght. he also loved it when it was shorter. so long as it is healthy and full, he could care less. when my hair is full of split ends, he will definitely comment on it and ask me if i have been on the hair board lately. lol.

i will say though, i think men prefer long, full, hair. when i had short hair, even though it was still full and healthy, men would never tell me i had great hair (only women would give me compliments). as soon as it reached shoulder an beyond, men (even casual strangers....guys checking me out) would comment on my hair.
My DH loves long hair. If my hair would grow to my ankles, he would love it.:perplexed I love layers and he loves a blunt cut. So I told he we would compromise... I would aim for waistlegth(for him) with long layers (for me).:)