Does your church teach the whole Bible?

Does your church teach the whole Bible?

  • yes

    Votes: 8 72.7%
  • no

    Votes: 3 27.3%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


New Member
I was wondering how many people go to a church where you can learn/discuss the Bible Line on Line/Precept upon Precept? If so-- is it in a small group format, Sunday Bible school, lecture teaching format (mid week) to whole congregation, or other?

Right now, my current assembly is a church plant so we're still in a very early stage. It is somewhat of an off shoot of my old church (which I deeply love). However, my old church did not offer this type of teaching-- to my knowledge at least... So I suppliment with Kay Authur and Chuck Smith.
i am very fortunate that my temple studies the bible so that everyone has a uniformed understanding. line by line by line!
i am very fortunate that my temple studies the bible so that everyone has a uniformed understanding. line by line by line!

but is there discussion? I'm a bit concerned because when I asked you about Jesus Christ in our PMs, you never said that you believed in him as Savior...

But I do welcome discussion with you...
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but is there discussion? I'm a bit concerned because when I asked you about Jesus Christ in our PMs, you never said that you believed in him as Savior...

But I do welcome discussion with you...
why are you putting our PM buisness all out here?.....And why are you concerened with who I worship?

*backing out of thread*
Yes! I love Adventism!

That's good, I'm believing that you're SDA, right? How do you go about discussion? Do you have small groups when people ask questions? What if someone find a Scripture that may be out of line with the denomination's regular understanding of Scripture?

I don't think that any Christ following denomination has it ALL figured out, but I do think that we can learn from each other...

There are quite a few exceptions, but for the most part I'm beginning think the Devil has hijacked the pulpit across this country....
why are you putting our PM buisness all out here?.....And why are you concerened with who I worship?

*backing out of thread*
I'm sorry If I offended you. However this is the Christian fellowship forum. The understanding is that many people who post in here believe that Jesus Christ is their Savior...
I'm sorry If I offended you. However this is the Christian fellowship forum. The understanding is that many people who post in here believe that Jesus Christ is their Savior...

you asked didnt say chrisitian. AND maybe we need a forum for people like myself who are NOT christians. No need to tell me what forum this is, I know thank you very much...:rolleyes:
you asked didnt say chrisitian. AND maybe we need a forum for people like myself who are NOT christians. No need to tell me what forum this is, I know thank you very much...:rolleyes:

Well, that has been discussed and it's totally up the the people who own and administer the board... I personally agree with you-- there should be a separate area for people of other faith because it would cut down on a lot of confusion...

The only reason I mentioned the Christ issue is because He is the Truth... He is the one truth that every Christian can agree on because we can not deny Him...

This is what separates a Christ follower from other groups... No others will ever say that He is the only Way-- nor will they say that He is the Son of God...

We must to have a platform (or a basis for understanding) for us to be on the same page. KWIM?

I respect your ideas, but it is hard to get on the same page if you deny the Christ but I believe that He is the only Truth...

Anyway, I didn't want to get off topic... but I do hope that you understand...
why are you putting our PM buisness all out here?.....And why are you concerened with who I worship?

*backing out of thread*

Honestly, EB, I don't think anyone is encouraging you to back out of the thread or anywhere.

I personally would appreciate full disclosure of your faith. If you have shared it here or elsewhere and I missed it, pardon me. I think, if anything, ambiguity facilities misunderstanding of one another.

Thank you.
Honestly, EB, I don't think anyone is encouraging you to back out of the thread or anywhere.

I personally would appreciate full disclosure of your faith. If you have shared it here or elsewhere and I missed it, pardon me. I think, if anything, ambiguity facilities misunderstanding of one another.

Thank you.

thank you RR :yep:...but for someone to say "this is a christian forum"..means in my mind that if you are not a christian please exit.....i just hope a forum for us "other" people is created.....

I disclosed some of my beliefs in another thread in the "off topic forum"....and it didnt go to well lady said i had the devil in me:look:...oh well...i am who i am! :drunk:
thank you RR :yep:...but for someone to say "this is a christian forum"..means in my mind that if you are not a christian please exit.....i just hope a forum for us "other" people is created.....

I disclosed some of my beliefs in another thread in the "off topic forum"....and it didnt go to well lady said i had the devil in me:look:...oh well...i am who i am! :drunk:

While we interpret things through our own filters, please believe on the side of fairness and common courtesy that such a statement is NOT an unwritten code for hostility toward other faiths.

And on a real level, if what you believe is what you believe, then that belief cannot be shaken and there should be a level of boldness to declare what that faith is, in ANY FORUM, whether it "goes well" or otherwise.

Again, I'd appreciate full disclosure from you about your faith here because I don't know in which thread you stated it and also so that I can have some level of awareness of who I am interacting I said, it helps reduce misunderstanding.

As far as the addition of other forums go, I'm "believing God" (:grin:) for a distinct natural hair forum. But because the ownership of this board belongs to someone other than me, I'm not sweatin' it that much. Should I want a natural hair forum kind of like LCHF, I can form my own.... I think that is a healthy principle to apply to your forum request as well, as I so boldly say....
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While we interpret things through our own filters, please believe on the side of fairness and common courtesy that such a statement is NOT an unwritten code for hostility toward other faiths.

And on a real level, if what you believe is what you believe, then that belief cannot be shaken and there should be a level of boldness to declare what that faith is, in ANY FORUM, whether it "goes well" or otherwise.

Again, I'd appreciate full disclosure from you about your faith here because I don't know in which thread you stated it and also so that I can have some level of awareness of who I am interacting I said, it helps reduce misunderstanding.

As far as the addition of other forums go, I'm "believing God" (:grin:) for a distinct natural hair forum. But because the ownership of this board belongs to someone other than me, I'm not sweatin' it that much. Should I want a natural hair forum kind of like LCHF, I can form my own.... I think that is a healthy principle to apply to your forum request as well, as I so boldly say....

I totally understand where you are coming from, all the churches I have been to in my short life (23years) I now see that some of the things they taught don't really line up with what I read in my Bible. Makes me think that maybe we weren't meant to go to the "Church" man has built and put on the corners but rather assemble at home and discuss what is in the Bible so that everyone is on the same page instead of taking what someone says for the truth and not looking at it for ourselves.
I'm adventist too and we teach the whole bible and encourage others to follow it line upon line, precept among precept, following the law as it is written even though it may take a little effort for us to meet His demands. That means not making up any of our own excuses why we are free to not follow certain parts where it is clearly indicated that our obedience is required. I find if I have any questions, our pastors' doors are always open.
Well, that has been discussed and it's totally up the the people who own and administer the board... I personally agree with you-- there should be a separate area for people of other faith because it would cut down on a lot of confusion...

The only reason I mentioned the Christ issue is because He is the Truth... He is the one truth that every Christian can agree on because we can not deny Him...

This is what separates a Christ follower from other groups... No others will ever say that He is the only Way-- nor will they say that He is the Son of God...

We must to have a platform (or a basis for understanding) for us to be on the same page. KWIM?

I respect your ideas, but it is hard to get on the same page if you deny the Christ but I believe that He is the only Truth...

Anyway, I didn't want to get off topic... but I do hope that you understand...

I agree and completely understand where you're coming from :yep:. The description of the forum does clearly state "For prayer requests, daily devotions, and for believers of Jesus Christ to discuss topics related to Christianity." I know it galls some people, but that can't be helped. If people don't want to come here to learn about or discuss Christ, this is not the forum for them :nono:.

As for your question, the church I go to has very good teaching and the pastor goes over the scriptures thoroughly and cross references. I haven't been there long enough (only a few months) to know whether they've made it through the entire Bible.

But I know that anyone that uplifts Christ must affirm that His word (the entire Bible) is true. I think there is also an expectation that whatever is taught in church is meant to help get the believer started so that they can do a thorough study on their on time as well. I believe Christians should endeavor to read the whole Bible to gain a fuller picture.

ETA: Here are the rule the admin set up for this forum
-This forum is for those who know JESUS CHRIST to be their LORD and SAVIOR. It is not here to question HIS existence or criticize those who believe in HIM.
-Any posts and/or threads not related to The LORD JESUS will be moved to the Off Topic Forum.
-Inappropriate posts and/or threads will be removed or deleted all together.

Updated Board Rules:

The purpose of this particular forum is to allow believers of Jesus Christ to fellowship together. Its not political, controversial, or a means for debating. Any post that do not pertain to spiritual advancement, encouragement, etc. will be removed. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
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I am concerned about some of my relatives who follow Joel Osteen. One of my cousins actually goes to his church. He doesn't appear to preach the whole bible. When I have seen him on tv, he appears to just preach "prosperity" and usually he only uses a few scriptures. And when interviewed by Larry King, Joel would not say that the only way to GOD is through JESUS CHRIST (in regards to whether or not Muslims and Hindus would go to hell.

I am concerned about some of my relatives who follow Joel Osteen. One of my cousins actually goes to his church. He doesn't appear to preach the whole bible. When I have seen him on tv, he appears to just preach "prosperity" and usually he only uses a few scriptures. And when interviewed by Larry King, Joel would not say that the only way to GOD is through JESUS CHRIST (in regards to whether or not Muslims and Hindus would go to hell.

I've kinda wondered the same thing as you about Joel. When I've talked to others about him they say that they think he just has a different ministry from God (one of encouragement and comfort). I can kind of understand that, but I don't think it's okay for a man of God to deny Christ as the only way to Heaven.

Jesus warned us not to be purposefully offensive to people but even some people hated Him for speaking the truth. So if we speak the same truth as He did then it follows that some will hate us too.