Does you loose length when you stop protective styling?


Well-Known Member
Do you loose length when you stop protective styling?

Hey guys, i've asked a similiar question before, but I was hoping I could possibly get some additional input. I've decided that I will start wearing my hair in a pony tail 4 times a week. Im kinda scared that my hair will break off/get shorter. I will be trimming my ends once every four months. Can anyone comment on what happens/happened when you or people in general stop protective styling?
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I don't loose length when I wear my hair out. I actuallyretain length better when my hair is straightened and worn down. Protective styles are ok in moderation for me. If I don't detangle and remove shed hairs once a week I'm in trouble and it defeats the purpose of "protecting" my hair.
Nope I don't loose length. If you do a lot of manipulation everyday by constantly restyling it or applying heat a lot then you may loose length. But if you are gentle with your hair & consistent with your regimen then you should be fine.
^^^Yes mam. Once you get over the Sl-Apl hump things get easier. I had to keep my hair in a bun for 6 months to get from Sl-Apl. After that I wore it out daily and I got to Bsl and Mbl (with relaxed hair). Now I'm natural so retention is much better. I'm closing in on Bsl :grin:

Like a previous poster said: be gentle and don't manipulate your hair too much. I only comb my hair once a day and that's to detangle before I crosswrap at night. In the morning I just shake it and go.
You shouldn't lose length unless you start incorporating damaging practices into your routine. If you hair is so fragile that you can't even wear it out you might need a better regimen/products.
I didn't lose length either, sometimes people start adding heat here and there when they wear their hair down to add curl, wave, or whatever I think that adds to the damage and people start to stop retaining length. I would say wear it down but keep a close eye on what's doing on and don't start using heat daily.
You shouldn't lose length unless you start incorporating damaging practices into your routine. If you hair is so fragile that you can't even wear it out you might need a better regimen/products.

Agreed with all this.

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