Does you hair grow at a constant rate?


New Member
I just noticed yesterday after measuring my new growth that my hair has been growing .25 per month for the past 8 months. Over the past couple of years it was growing .5 per month. I’m not sure if this slow growth is natural or if I need to change my diet. My regimen has not changed, the only difference is I’m transitioning. Has anyone experienced a change in their growth rate over time?
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i dont think my growth rate has changed, its always between .5 and 3/4
even when i take vitamins and all i still dont get more then 3/4 a month.i notice when i wash more its the most effect on my growth rate

i am guessing it could be stress, or possibly your treating your scalp differently than you have been the past few years?
Yeah, my hair grows at a constant (more like consistent) rate. It alternates every month. One month, it will grow 1/4 an inch. The next month, it will grow 3/4 an inch. And then the cycle starts all over again! My hair growth is weird. :drunk:
Not to hi jack your thread, but does anyone have the hair phases chart? I remember seeing it. It's like you have a growth cycle, a shedding cycle and one other. Anyone have that chart? To answer your question OP, my growth rate seems to remain the same. I grow about 3/4 every month. It looks like more sometimes but I don't want to give undue credit!
no. i know a lot of people brag of summer growth spurts... mine is in the fall. weird, i know. :look: i never really took the time to track the growth, but i know it grows faster. then in spring, it snails along... :lachen:
My hair grows much slower in the winter than it does in the summer. Averaged out, I get about 1/4 inch a month - but I'd suspect it's more like half an inch a month in the height of summer, and nothing in the height of winter.
no. i know a lot of people brag of summer growth spurts... mine is in the fall. weird, i know. :look: i never really took the time to track the growth, but i know it grows faster. then in spring, it snails along... :lachen:

Usually I only track my growth if I'm trying to grow my hair out so that's why I know I usually grew .5 a month on avg. Since transitioning, I never measured my growth until yesterday when I was wondering how much of my hair was natural. I did the math like "hmmm, it's been 8 months and I only have 2.5 to 3 inches of NG." I was expecting 4 inches.
I find that regular washing and dc-ing grows my hair constantly. My hair loves baggying too so I do it when I remember.
My rate is pretty constant, no surges no slow downs. Although now that I'm "watching" my hair 24/7 it seems like it's taking forever! I swear I would've had 5 inches in the last 2 months if I had been ignoring my hair the way I used to :spinning: