Does trimming make the hair grow?


New Member
Ladies: i was big ON NOT TRIMMING the hair cause i do believe it doesn't make the hair grow:nono:: but myself and other black girls in my apt had this discussion and I was converted back into a believer.

My reasons were: the hair is dead: so trimming the ends off doesn't send a signal to the roots and say shoot out like a rose bud or grow even faster....
....she agreed:yep: but she said a tiny trim "DUSTING" split ends off stops them from splitting up the hair shaft causing longer breakage.

and I did agree: i even did my own research w/ my hair and saw that i have tiny split ends: and that if I trimmed them while they were small (1/8 inch): i won't have to worry about my hair splitting up the shaft anymore and wound up breaking very long (1/2 inch - 1 inch).

I concluded that its better to dust 1/8inch off then 1inch breaking off:yep::

so in the end: i can say trimming / dusting / clipping: which ever term you use: helps you retain length and keep it healthy looking.:rolleyes:

LADIES: I NEED UR OPINION ON THIS. I just had to share this with yall cuz I found it really interesting to hear this. I do see ladies with long healthy hair who dust 8-10 weeks.
that makes sense that if you have split ends that you should trim those off. but if you're taking care of your hair, not applying heat etc, you'll have little to no split ends at all. you can always do the seek and destroy method instead of dusting: just look for split ends and get rid of them individually.
that makes sense that if you have split ends that you should trim those off. but if you're taking care of your hair, not applying heat etc, you'll have little to no split ends at all. you can always do the seek and destroy method instead of dusting: just look for split ends and get rid of them individually.

ITA. I trim/even things up once a year. The rest of the time its S&D's

IMO its not about the split traveling up the shaft so much as it is that split tangling with the hair beside it.

I do an S& D every 2 months. I should probably do them sooner but I don't because of sheer laziness. Though I have to say I don't see that many splits even then.

I tried the Cathy Howse method- no trim for a year twice. Her method did not work for me. The raggedy/split ends caused breakage and I had to get a major cut.

Currently, after each touch-up I look for split ends and just snip those individual end-strands off. My hair looks so much healthier!
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I tried the Cathy Howse method- no trim for a year twice. Her method did not work for me. The raggedy/split ends caused breakage and I had to get a major cut.

Currently, after each touch-up I look for split ends and just snip those individual end-strands off. My hair looks so much healthier!

I find this true also, I am able to retain more length this way , no shedding, or crackling hairs, or snags,
The title of the OP and your subsequent findings are opposites.

If the girl said that trimming makes your hair grow she was wrong because it helps you retain length which is a different thing. She switched on your ***:lachen:
Autumn: ur so right: lol.

for me: i followed cathy's method: but i never knew how to trim properly and my family didn't trust themselves trimming my hair either

i think the whole concept of when the split ends were cut off and length was retained: the whole myth came about that Trimming makes the hair grow....we have our new motto now

Trimming helps retain length or
trimming helps prevent bigger breakage
I've never seen a split hair travel from end to root. It breaks off to the side resulting in a thinner, damaged, weaker strand which would break anyway due to handling, etc.

For me a good trim was all I needed. Once I got that fresh start I didn't need another for a very long time because I would baby my ends (it's the oldest part of my length) so as a result they were never dry and didn't split.
Trimming doesn't make my hair grow but it does help me to retain length :yep:. Had I been trimming/dusting every 3 months I wouldn't have had to trim 2-3 inches off at the beginning of the month. If I go too long (6+ months) without getting my hair trimmed it will break from split ends and from knotting at the ends.
I dont believe it makes it "grow" per se, but i do believe that taking off the ragged ends makes the hair healthier overall and fosters a better growth environment.
I trim/ dust regularly and have noticed less splits, WAY less tangles and an overall improvement in the look of my hair. Obviously im a BIG proponent of trimming!
Ladies: i was big ON NOT TRIMMING the hair cause i do believe it doesn't make the hair grow:nono:: but myself and other black girls in my apt had this discussion and I was converted back into a believer.

My reasons were: the hair is dead: so trimming the ends off doesn't send a signal to the roots and say shoot out like a rose bud or grow even faster....
....she agreed:yep: but she said a tiny trim "DUSTING" split ends off stops them from splitting up the hair shaft causing longer breakage.

and I did agree: i even did my own research w/ my hair and saw that i have tiny split ends: and that if I trimmed them while they were small (1/8 inch): i won't have to worry about my hair splitting up the shaft anymore and wound up breaking very long (1/2 inch - 1 inch).

I concluded that its better to dust 1/8inch off then 1inch breaking off:yep::

so in the end: i can say trimming / dusting / clipping: which ever term you use: helps you retain length and keep it healthy looking.:rolleyes:

LADIES: I NEED UR OPINION ON THIS. I just had to share this with yall cuz I found it really interesting to hear this. I do see ladies with long healthy hair who dust 8-10 weeks.

I totally agree that it is better to dust 1/8th of an inch of hair off, rather than trimming off like a half inch later because the split has traveled a half inch up the shaft.

But trimming does not make the hair grow. You are right in saying that it helps RETAIN length, in my opinion.
I tried the Cathy Howse method- no trim for a year twice. Her method did not work for me. The raggedy/split ends caused breakage and I had to get a major cut.

Currently, after each touch-up I look for split ends and just snip those individual end-strands off. My hair looks so much healthier!

Hey pinkpebbles, but were you baggying as well? Because I am using her method of not trimming for a year, but I also try to baggy atleast twice a week.
It does not make your hair grow but it keeps the splits at bay. I went for about 6 months last year without trimming and my ends were a mess. I gained length but I had to do a major trim and that taught me a lesson about going to long without trimming. From now on its every 3 months for me.
I agree I dont think trimming ends necessarily makes the hair grow, it just stops breakage. Ever since I started doing my hair myself I trim my ends as needed as opposed to every six weeks or so.
I dont think trimming makes your hair grow. I do think it helps with hair retention because the longer you go with out a trim, your hair with breakage becomes uneven and results in more tangles and further breakage.

I trim about a half inch to an inch every six months. I pamer my ends everynight and this works well for me.