Does too much moisture cause split ends?


Well-Known Member
Sorry if this topic has been brought up before...

But I was combing out my hair (wet of course) and I noticed (while looking at the hair in my comb to check for breakage) that I had one piece of hair that was broken while the rest were naturally shed. The hair that was broken had a split end. I notice this twich before when combing my hair out and wanted to know if this is caused by too much moisture?
ive heard people say dry hair and heat causes spilts. at least that seems to be the case with me. i have splits galore and my hair is as dary as a desert.
Split ends are typically caused by a lack of moisture in the hair. But how much protein are you getting in your hair? Hair thrives from the right balance of both protein and moisture. One or the other usually won't do. If you get mostly protein but hardly any moisture, I can see split ends. If you get mostly moisture but not as much protein as you need, I can see them happening, too.
firecracker said:
Uh I don't know about that because back in da Jheri Curl days folk were uber moisturized and no splits. :)
Exactly...and their hair grew like weeds...hmmm I wonder how I would look wit a jheri curl? lol
firecracker said:
Uh I don't know about that because back in da Jheri Curl days folk were uber moisturized and no splits. :)

That is true....use a veg. glycerine product. It works.
I think splits are caused by mechanical damage most of the time: combing, brushing, flat-ironing, tight braiding or twisting, etc. And of course relaxing, but it looks like you're natural. I would not worry unless you have a patch of split ends. I think it is impossible to avoid all split ends unless you are constantly trimming.
sherylin123 said:
Exactly...and their hair grew like weeds...hmmm I wonder how I would look wit a jheri curl? lol
:lachen: :lachen: don't even try it. Chile I had one and it was cut in a damn style at that.:perplexed
Can we say I looked like boo boo the fool. Heck I used to have a big picture of my carrot topped *** head. I am now wondering what happened to that picture. :lachen: :lachen: Chile I had on my shrimp earrings and gold chain. My hair grew long *** hell in no time. :eek:
CAPlush said:
I think splits are caused by mechanical damage most of the time: combing, brushing, flat-ironing, tight braiding or twisting, etc. And of course relaxing, but it looks like you're natural. I would not worry unless you have a patch of split ends. I think it is impossible to avoid all split ends unless you are constantly trimming.

i agree with this. splits are caused with the strands break from whatever the cause and split. it is hardly ever caused by too much moisture.
firecracker said:
Uh I don't know about that because back in da Jheri Curl days folk were uber moisturized and no splits. :)

That's exactly what I orginally thought when I saw the first one...when I saw the other one I got really worried...but, I guess the fat that they were both on the bathroom sink meant that theycould have been there for anyother number of reasons:ohwell:
I guess you guys are right...I've only noticed three over the past two's probably very hard to avoid all of them.
cmw45 said:
Sorry if this topic has been brought up before...

But I was combing out my hair (wet of course) and I noticed (while looking at the hair in my comb to check for breakage) that I had one piece of hair that was broken while the rest were naturally shed. The hair that was broken had a split end. I notice this twich before when combing my hair out and wanted to know if this is caused by too much moisture?

One hair out of all the hair that came out of your head?!! One single one! Girl, I have showers of blessings (1 inch pieces all over the place) like 50-100 pieces. I wish I had one. :( Anywhoo, I started bunning and moisturizing and "SEALING" with an oil. Sealing was my issue. I would moisturize but still have hairs dropping all over.

I live in Southern California, and it is soooooooooooo dry, no humidity in air, my skin was scaling... just parched. A big clue that I needed to seal the moisture in ...( i drink almost 3 liters a day of water) So once I started sealing (my skin i sealed with vaseline) and my ends with jojoba, then the little pieces stopped falling like some ghastly black snowflakes. Moisture + Sealing = a wonderful thing