Does this side of my hair look like it needs a trim?(pic)


New Member
This is the left side of my hair and i think it needs a trim. I havent gotten a trim in a year because i am scared that i will be a victim again of a scissor happy stylist. What do you ladies think?


The back looks fine and actually that side isn't too bad either. It looks like the splits are right on the tips. Why not try using a pair of professional scissors and trimming off those ends individually?
The back looks fine and actually that side isn't too bad either. It looks like the splits are right on the tips. Why not try using a pair of professional scissors and trimming off those ends individually?

I am scared i might cut it uneven. How much do you think needs to be trimmed because my hair is not that long in the front?
Are you experienceing any breakage or Knotting at the ends? If not I would hold off on the trimming. If your are I would do a light dusting at home. :yep:
Are you experienceing any breakage or Knotting at the ends? If not I would hold off on the trimming. If your are I would do a light dusting at home. :yep:

Yea its just that one side. I am just going to do aphogee treatments, i have now reduced my heat to 2x a month. And i keep my hair in a ponytail. So this way those ends dont continue to split. I will cut off that small area of ends when my hair gets a little longer. Ladies keep the responses coming.
I agree with the other ladies. A light dusting will definately help. Then maybe you can dust more often. I agree with you on the salon. I am afraid to go to the salon as well. I am a little past APL and I know if I go to the salon I will end up with shoulder length hair again. That happens EVERY single time I go for a TRIM!!