Does this look like "natural" hair to you?

When I straightened a lot, my hair had those straightish ends too. My dd1 has a little bit of heat damage like this too. If you have a looser curl and your hair is fine, it is not hard to experience heat damage. When I trim and don't use heat, my texture is much more curly and wavy.
her hair looks nice and moisturized even the color parts: )

When I look at her hair, damage is not something I see or the dawned on me. I see thick healthy hair that is colored. She has no struggle ends or see through hair and even with the color her hair is sooo thick and flowy. She has beautiful hair.

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It looks like her natural hair to me. I have friends IRL that look like her and have her hair texture.
I think the number 1 misconception with natural hair is... *drumroll*

If you are African American you must have kinky curly hair. NOT true!! Her hair looks healthy and beautiful to me. Just like African Americans have many different complexions so is the texture of our hair.

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my sister is mixed and has that same texture but with less volume.

it also depends on if she adds producs after wash n can change a little.

i think she is natural. like my sis

and oh. she is pretty and i love the hair color
ETA I just checked her out... She's natural to me. I don't know why you think she isn't natural. Most 3a hair types look straight when wet because their hair is weighed down from water.

Once it dries it curls up.
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Her hair looks natural to me. I went to school with girls who had a similar texture, and they were natural. Black hair comes in an infinite variety of texture, just like our skin comes in an infinite variety of shades. :yep:
That looks like an old wash n go that was probably stretched out a little. She has more curl in her Instagram pictures
She has my exact natural texture. I've been looking for someone for the longest with my texture. She even wears the same styles that I do! What would you ladies consider her texture to be?
I agree with the other ladies, her hair may just have a looser curl pattern. Nowadays who is natural is not as easy to tell with some ladies. Lhcf has proven that, some natural ladies can straighten their hair and it looks more laid than my relaxed makes me consider joining the other side.