Does this happen to anyone?


Well-Known Member
I have a problem when wearing my hair down. Just to give you a little backgroud, I have fine hair, with medium thickness, and it's always been pressed. 99% of the time I wear my hair up. Recently everyone has been asking me why I don't wear my hair down, and that I should because I have "long" hair. I don't believe my hair is long, but mid-length (bra strap). Now, the reason why I don't wear my hair down, is becuase it doesn't move! It usually stays in the same direction all the time. If I move my neck, it moves to that position, but when I move my neck back, it stays in that position, and I have to constantly comb it back again. My ends constantly sticks up, and I can't just be. A lot of people have informed me, that when I do wear my hair down, my neck constantly looks stiff. I guess that's becuase I don't want my hair getting messed up, so I try to stay in the same position all of the time. Isn't that ridiculous!

This has happened to me for years! The only time I can move my neck freely is if I curl my hair in some way, or I get a very good trim. In those two cases, my hair behaves.

Any suggestions?
Try using a lighter oil to press with. KeraCare Essential Oils for the Hair is a good one. Unfortunately when you press, you have to sacrifice some movement. Relaxed hair rarely has that problem when worn down.
What about getting it blown out instead of pressed. I used to see a lot of naturals get their hair pressed and you would never know they did not have a relaxer. Their hair had body and lots of movement.


Try pressing or flatironing then putting each section of hair in a magnetic roller. Then when hair cools take it down. This may give you body as well.

I have relazed hair and it happens to me too. When my hair is down, I can put my head down (like chin to chest) and my hair sticks straight out. I think that my hair may be a lil dry tho soo umm.. yea
I think that it's a sign of dry or damaged hair :ohwell: The hair doesn't have the moisture content needed to behave properly...

I can say this from personaly experience too... hair that blows in the wind but doesn't return back or close to it's original form or hair that shapes itself to the curve of your back/shoulders EPECIALLY while straightened.. usually damaged. :ohwell:

It could also be because your hair has a lot of static electricity (happens to dry hair) or at the least, it's weighed down by heavy products or using too much of a lighter product.

Also, if anyone with shorter hair is worried, hair will stick out a little until it gets to a certain length. I used to think that there was something wrong because my hair was volumous and bouncy all around, except for at the back (shortest at the back) but when it grew out a little, it started behaving like my normal hair.
OMG that is too funny. i know what you mean. How are your ends? a lot of people say cutting your hair doesn't make it grow, but one thing i do know is it give your hair a lot of body. Natural or relaxed. if you have a lot of dead uneven ends this will happen. trim aleast a 1/2 to an inch off your ends and you will see the difference. also moisture is good. try not to use anything heavy. Tie your hair up at night. try this and see what happens.
Thanks for the resopnses guys.

Sassy: My hair is pretty even, and too tell you the truth, I don't see many split ends.

Posche: Maybe I use to much grease on my

Dlewis: I will try the rollerset idea, maybe that will give me some bounce!

lkg4healthy: The magenetic rollers sounds like a good idea!

Nonap: Maybe the pressing oil that I use now (ultrasheen) is too greasy. Or..maybe I use too much.

You guys helped me a lot! Thanks!