Does this happen to anyone else while stretching


New Member
I apogolize if this has been asked before. But, I'm on my 2nd six month stretch. I will be 3 months post on the 26th and my scalp is killing me, I find that stretching makes my scalp tender, does anyone else go through this? and why does this happen? it can be really uncomfortable. I've done it before so I know I can but I hope I'm not by myself.
Are you styling your hair differently or handling it any differently than you would if you had less new growth? How are you styling your hair? Sometimes if you're putting hair accessories in the same place it can cause some soreness in that area.

The only other thing I could think of when people complain of sore scalp is increased growth rate...

If there isn't any extra shedding or pain associated with the tenderness, and you said it only happens during the stretch, then I think you should be fine.

I hope the other ladies can chime in for you. Good luck on your stretch!
Are you styling your hair differently or handling it any differently than you would if you had less new growth? How are you styling your hair? Sometimes if you're putting hair accessories in the same place it can cause some soreness in that area.

The only other thing I could think of when people complain of sore scalp is increased growth rate...

If there isn't any extra shedding or pain associated with the tenderness, and you said it only happens during the stretch, then I think you should be fine.

I hope the other ladies can chime in for you. Good luck on your stretch!

Girl, I got sidetracked by the pics of your hair. It is beautiful!! and I love the hairstyles.
Yes!!! This used to happen to me all the time when I was stretching my relaxers. I wasn't even manipulating it a lot! What fixed it for me was BCing. lol I'm not recommending you do that, but I don't have that pain anymore.