Does the size of flexi rods matter?


Well-Known Member
I was just woondering if the size of the flexi matters. Do you decide which ones to use because of the length of your hair or the size of curls you want? I have seen a ton of flexi tutorials on youtube and most look the same (the style is different of course since some separate them more than others) but some I have seen look totally different. Like loose waves or something. Is that because they used really large ones or because they used the wrong ones for their hair length. I tried flexis this past weekend and I was happy with the results I got. But I separated them a lot and then fingered combed my entire head. I guess another question would be, is the flexi rod set a once size fit all style? Like "should" it look a certain way?
length and size of the curl/spiral.

if you use a small rod, you will get a tighter curl. the bigger the rod the looser the curl, just like using regular rollers. plus, the length of your hair will determine what size is best and the look you want.

no one size fits all here.
Not sure I follow, but I use the size roller for the size curl I want.
You can do bigger curls on short or long hair, or tight curls on short or long hair.

The set can look different based on relaxed/natural, blowdried, airdried, set while wet, product used to roll it with...and the length of time the rollers are kept in.