Does The Devil Attack Your Mind?

I need to return my own thoughts back to Our Father and seek a better answer, but here is something quick.

We, in this flesh, will always be susceptible to dealing with the supernatural, whether good or bad. The degree of influence is in our hands through Christ. Somehow, the adversary has a legal cause against you (remember Job) and hopes you succumb to whatever it is he has planned for you. The two main culprits are generational curses and some sin we have yet to turn away from. This is why the inner healing movement is slowly gaining traction with believers.

The throne of Yah is also His courtroom; He the Final Judge of all. You have the right to make a petition as to why the adversary is allowed to torment you. When you get the answer, accept it (whether you or an ancestor did something wrong), and plead the blood of Yahshua as your only defense (Revelation 12:11). When you get your verdict, you may also have to enforce it by taking the issue back to the throne and remind the adversary he is not permitted to torment you anymore.

There are a bunch of teaching about this. I can post them later, if you would like. I have done this a few times myself. The first time, the answer came within 30 minutes, "You are too caught up in the things of the world." Ouch...
Here is a playlist for Robert Henderson, one of the few teachers the Master placed in my way.

I suggest you approach Him with praise and honor, just like we approach a human judge by standing and announcing the person's name. You can also ask the Holy Spirit as to what to say; that happened to me once when I got on my face and knees (one of the two traditional positions).

If you need any additional help, prayer, etc., PM me. I know how ugly this stuff can get, fortunately or unfortunately.
yes he does

remember he comes to kill, steal and destroy, he can attack physically and mentally

here is a link to some scriptures that may be helpful:

John 8:44 there is no truth in him and he is a liar

Proverbs 4:23 Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.

When the bible speaks about a person heart often it is referring to the mind of a person, particularly in the old testament, so it's important to understand this.

Does the devil attack your mind with "what ifs" and lies? I really want to be set free from negative thinking. Have any of you ladies been set free from negative thinking? How did you do it?
Of course. Get you off focus so you won't do what God wants. When the negative comes, line it up with the Word. Then pray the Word.

For ex, what if I written forgetting is written all things work for the is written God won't allow more than I can bear but will make an escape...(you'll have to look up the exact wording but that's the jist)...all power is given....believe and will receive...don't trust own thoughts...etc etc etc...God true...

You get the jist. This is spiritual warfare you're dealing with. Treat it as such. Joshua and Caleb basically said it's a piece of cake while the others ran scared. They were given the victory.

Remember, Christ has overcome the world. Take your place and armor up daily. We sometimes operate from an amnesiac state and think xyz is happening. Meaning we look at it in the natural when it is clearly a spiritual issue. We wrestle not against flesh and blood.

Get focused and fight. Fight with the knowledge God has given you the victory just as He gave it to Joshua.

Praying for your clarity, insight, courage and belief.
Great replies! I had to focus on too scriptures that affirm God's love for me along with speaking the word, prayer, and praise. Guess what? New level, new devil. So I don't know that it will ever end on this side. I do know that before any attacks can come forth you have been prepared by God and are able to withstand the enemy (think Job). Understanding the passages in Eph that address spiritual warfare and the above is how I survive spiritual attacks when they come. That's how we grow in Him though.
Absolutely. So much so that I've decided to focus my entire spiritual calendar for 2018 on this. Below is what I've written on my journal about Philippians 4:8
  1. Things that are TRUE (= ideal, consistent, loyal, accurate, narrow).
  2. Things that are NOBLE (= aristocratic, superiority of mind).
  3. Things that are PURE (= spotless, unmixed with any other matter, having exactly the talents or skills needed for a particular role).
  4. Things that are JUST (= righteous, deserved, lawful, proper, reasonable, faithful to an original).
  5. Things that are LOVELY (= grand, swell, eliciting love by moral or ideal worth).
  6. Whatever things are of GOOD REPORT (= detailed account or statement, judicial opinion or decision).
  7. Whatever things that are VIRTUOUS (efficacious, beneficial quality, strength of spirit).
  8. Whatever things that are PRAISEWORTHY (= an act of approving formally or officially).
The synonym for the 'the truth' = 'what is ideal' shocked me. Often times we think that what we see is the truth, but the Bible disagrees. This is why the example given above, of Joshua and Caleb is important: they did not go by what they 'saw' with their physical eyes.

Often times, when what we want to see is not manifesting itself, we start speaking/thinking words contrary to what God has promised, this upsets God.

As @Sharpened mentioned, sometimes it can be a family trait, meaning it's in your blood. What she outlined as a medicine for that, is the same thing a sister from my church told me.
@mrselle How have you been doing? I am currently trying to reprogram my brain chemistry with this book by Joyce Meyer: Power Thoughts: 12 Strategies to Win the Battle of the Mind. After that I will be reading Battlefield of the Mind by the same author.

My pastor once spoke about all the cities that the Israelites needed to conquer. He said that Jericho represents our thoughts. Do any of you ladies know more about this? Or what the other cities represent, in order for us to get to Canaan?
My pastor once spoke about all the cities that the Israelites needed to conquer. He said that Jericho represents our thoughts. Do any of you ladies know more about this? Or what the other cities represent, in order for us to get to Canaan?
This is the first I have heard about it, but I searched "Jericho represents our thoughts" and found a few interesting things relating to that.

Oh, Lord, guide my steps...

Funny that Joshua cursed the rebuilding of that city by the deaths of the main builder's firstborn and lastborn sons, which was done during the time of Ahab. If Jericho symbolizes our thoughts (a part of our souls), there think of what we sacrifice (the sons - gifts from Yah) in order to function as we see fit in man's order (government, mores, culture, what is "normal"). The wall may represent our stubbornness, lol.

The word "city" itself had a negative connotation within the OT as being something Yah had to call His people out of so he could place in the wilderness for refinement.
I am currently trying to reprogram my brain chemistry with this book by Joyce Meyer: Power Thoughts: 12 Strategies to Win the Battle of the Mind. After that I will be reading Battlefield of the Mind by the same author.
A tool that helps me with worship and getting into the right mind-frame is picturing going through the image of the tabernacle. Each part, from the open entrance surrounded by massive white sheets on poles to the mercy seat, has lessons hidden in it. I have angered and repelled demons doing this.

I was supposed to do a write-up on this back in 2014-15, but slacked off due to worrying about having every detail thoroughly explained. Being slow to obey is annoying, to Him and myself.
@mrselle How have you been doing? I am currently trying to reprogram my brain chemistry with this book by Joyce Meyer: Power Thoughts: 12 Strategies to Win the Battle of the Mind. After that I will be reading Battlefield of the Mind by the same author.

My pastor once spoke about all the cities that the Israelites needed to conquer. He said that Jericho represents our thoughts. Do any of you ladies know more about this? Or what the other cities represent, in order for us to get to Canaan?

Thank you for thinking of me. This is still an ongoing battle for me. One day last week I had a day of peace in my mind and I thanked God, but I also prayed about how I can make a peaceful mind the norm for me and not a rare event. Another thing I noticed last week is that for a few days something that has been tormenting my mind for the past several months was no longer tormenting me. Of course once I realized this I became tormented again. I think I've become so use to having bad thoughts, living in fear of what if or constantly waiting for something bad to happen that it feels normal. So, when I notice that my thoughts are peaceful, I become uncomfortable. Its like I have to be on guard at all times to avoid being devastated.

Anyway, that's my long winded way of saying I'm still battling. I may check out the book you recommended.
I'm convinced mental illness is demonic activity (Luke 8:26-39) and that a person can be healed of it. Just know that, OTHER PEOPLE can be used to attack our minds as well by verbal assaults. Just stay focused on God, pray for them and keep it moving. The Joy of the Lord is our strength. We know the works of the enemy so it's easier for us to battle. Please keep in pray those who refuse to rely on, nor think they need, God to fight their spiritual battles for them.
I think that the ultimate answer is God which all of the lovely ladies responses have also supported much more eloquently than I can.

I also think that something called cognitive behavior therapy (cbt) can be used as a tool to weaken the hold of the worst lies that the devil tells. This can be helpful to give you the mental space to read God’s words in the Bible and pray without the lies being too blinding to see and hear the truth.

A good cbt book is: Thoughts & Feelings by Mathew McKay, Martha Davis, and Patrick Fanning. The first four chapters in the third edition are very helpful.

Thoughts and Feelings: Taking Control of Your Moods and Your Life Amazon product ASIN 1572245107
If you have the resources reaching out to a counselor or therapist may also be helpful.

If you’ve never had a convo with God in the past or have never read the entire bible before I think that reaching out to a christian who you feel has a true connection for our Father can also help you to feel more confident as you embark on growing in your relationship with God. The more that you talk to him, the easier it will be to listen and the easier it will be to see through the devil’s lies.
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Yes! I know this post is old, but maybe someone dealing with this can benefit from what I’m going to share.

Anxiety, fear, doubt, feelings of rejection....they are all ways for the devil to mess with our minds. Not too long ago, I went through a deliverance from these specific things and I firmly believe they are demonic spirits that oppress us. Ever wonder why you can’t just shake depression? Why mental illness doesn’t just disappear? Your will power is not enough to overcome these things.

The key to defeating these spirits is understanding your authority as a Christian. You have the authority to command these spirits to leave. We are commanded not to worry but to bring our requests to God. We have not been given a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind. With that being said, you’ll have to acknowledge and confess the areas where you may have gave these spirits legal access to you. And I know it says crazy, but that also means you’ll have to repent of any of the ways you may have opened the door to them (through fear, doubt, etc). Once that is done, only then can you confront those spirits and cancel their assignments. They no longer have grounds to bother after you are forgiven. Don’t just pray for God to make them go away. Command them to go in the name of Jesus. That is the type of authority Christ gave us.

I won’t get too deep, but if anyone is interested in learning more about this topic, I have some great resources. If you have a Church home, I would reach out to the pastor and see if someone can go through a deliverance process with you.

Google Pastor Bev Tucker. She has a plethora of information on this topic as well.
A pastor once said that your cup (=soul) needs to be filled with something. That an idle mind is the enemy's playground. Well guess what, today I spent all day just thinking about my future dreams and endeavors and had little to no attacks on my mind:yep:.

Let's continue on with the battle in 2019 and END IT once and for all:yep:.