Does swimming damage your hair?

I've started swimming once a week and although i swim with a swimming cap, i still find my hair is a bit wet when i come out of the pool. Can the water damage my hair? and if so what precautions should i take to ensure my hair stays healthy?

Thanks in advance:D
"swimming" doesn't, but what you do or don't do to your hair does. Before swimming I dilute some condish, with water (chlorine or salt) and add some oil in a spray bottle and spray on my hair, put it in a ponytail and go. After swimming, I rinse my hair wash once with swimmers shampoo or aloe rid and co-wash or DC.
The chlorine in the pool can be very damaging if you don't wash it out after you swim. As long as you rinse your hair out, you should be okay.
Second what all the ladies have said. I used to put on some conditioner before hand and use some swimmers shampoo afterward. To prevent dryness from the shampoo, I used to mix it with some olive oil. When I would leave, I would slap on some conditioner or a hot oil treatment and cover with a plastic cap. Then I would wrap it up with a sari so I could go about my business and fool with it when I got home.
I've been spending all of my free time at the pool the past 2 summers and before LHCF I was wondering what was the best thing to do to my hair. Now I don't have to wonder! Thanks Ladies!
OH here is some great advice. When I was a lifeguard in highschool I use to put castrol oil on my hair before I went swimming. Even with the cap, water is bound to get underneath. The castrol oil or even olive oil would minimize how much chlorine penetrated the hair. Good luck and happy swimming!
In college, my roommate and her mom were avid swimmers. Her mom was a beautician and when I had to take swimming one summer, she told me to slather my hair in cholesterol before putting my swimming cap on, that way if chlorine got in my hair, the cholesterol would repel the chlorine. And always rinse (co-wash) your hair after each swim.
I used to go swimming every day went I was in florida. before I left to go there my hair dresser told me to make sure I wash my hair after everytime I went swimming because the clorine is no joke. So Everyday i would wash my hair right after swimming and my hair actually grew.
When I was taking swimming my freshman year in college, I had the classes twice a week and thus, I washed my hair twice a week. I would always wear a swim cap but my hair would still get wet. The chlorine in the water won't damage your hair as long as you make sure to wash and condition it after every swim.
locabouthair said:
I used to go swimming every day went I was in florida. before I left to go there my hair dresser told me to make sure I wash my hair after everytime I went swimming because the clorine is no joke. So Everyday i would wash my hair right after swimming and my hair actually grew.

My hair grew too when I would wash it after swimming! I've now changed my haircare regimen back to washing twice a week (even though I don't have swimming anymore) because of all the growth I noticed when I washed it more frequently.
blackbarbie said:
In college, my roommate and her mom were avid swimmers. Her mom was a beautician and when I had to take swimming one summer, she told me to slather my hair in cholesterol before putting my swimming cap on, that way if chlorine got in my hair, the cholesterol would repel the chlorine. And always rinse (co-wash) your hair after each swim.

cholesterol?is this conditioner?
Swimming does not damage your hair. The exercise is good for you all around. The chemicals in the water will kill your hair. Make sure you rinse after getting out the pool.