Does straight hair stay moisturized longer?

Serenity K

New Member
I got my hair flat ironed last Wed. at "The Affordable Salon", and it was gorgeous!! It didn't puff, or swell at ALL. And it was so shiny, smooth, and silky. She trimmed about 2 1/2 inches off, so the ends were perfect. The entire week it felt so good and if I wanted a little more shine I would add a little coconut oil, or serum and it was fine. So I washed /conditioned my hair yesterday, and since its curly again, it does not feel moisturized. I added a condtioner to it and sealed it, but it just doesn't stay having that moist feel to it. My question is does straight hair actually stay moist longer, or is it just an illusion of moisture? Does the silky feel of straight hair make it seem moist, and its really not?
good question. i think it has smthg to do with sealing the hair/the cuticles lying flatter (making hair smoother) when heat is used, but i'll wait on other responses.......... bump.............
Yes, I'd like to know also. I am considering straightening my hair this weekend, but these thoughts were in my mind (plus I wouldn't be able to use my megatek if my hair is pressed).
I noticed that my hair seems to stay very dry if I airdry. But when I dry with a rollerset, it seems to retain moisture better.

Go figure......
I say yes it does. When my hair is straight my natural scalp oils can easily travel down the hair shaft and travel farther because there are no twists, tight coils, and kinks to stop the natural oils from sliding down the hair strand.
I have experimented with doing the same thing and using the same products on my hair in its natural state vs. my hubby's hair (he has type 1 hair). And his straight hair has no problem staying soft and moisturized while my 4a hair on the other hand, different story...dry city.:ohwell:
I'm thinking maybe... so I'm experimenting myself.

I was one of those strictly natural no heat at all ladies and my hair had grown out to APL but the ends were extremely dry and would tangle up badly when I twisted my hair and of course dying it didn't help with the dryness.

So now I'm going to experiment with flat-ironing a bit more but unfortunately I had to have about 4 inches cut off before I could do that cause my ends were so crispy and dry.

So we'll see.
I got my hair flat ironed last Wed. at "The Affordable Salon", and it was gorgeous!! It didn't puff, or swell at ALL. And it was so shiny, smooth, and silky. She trimmed about 2 1/2 inches off, so the ends were perfect. The entire week it felt so good and if I wanted a little more shine I would add a little coconut oil, or serum and it was fine. So I washed /conditioned my hair yesterday, and since its curly again, it does not feel moisturized. I added a condtioner to it and sealed it, but it just doesn't stay having that moist feel to it. My question is does straight hair actually stay moist longer, or is it just an illusion of moisture? Does the silky feel of straight hair make it seem moist, and its really not?

This is OT, but I live in the Atlanta area and am interested in this affordable salon. Are the prices good? How much do they charge to flat iron? I am about 3months post and would love to have my hair straightened but it is really hard for me to do it myself! :ohwell:

In terms of your question, I'm really not sure which stays moisturized longer. I would think maybe it's easier to keep straighter hair moisturized though.
I say yes it does. When my hair is straight my natural scalp oils can easily travel down the hair shaft and travel farther because there are no twists, tight coils, and kinks to stop the natural oils from sliding down the hair strand.
I have experimented with doing the same thing and using the same products on my hair in its natural state vs. my hubby's hair (he has type 1 hair). And his straight hair has no problem staying soft and moisturized while my 4a hair on the other hand, different story...dry city.:ohwell:

I agree with this. Every book I have read on haircare says that the curlier the texture the drier the hair. The natural oils from the scalp cannot get to the strands. When my hair is straight the only extra moisture I can add has to be a very tiny amount and lightweight. In my hair's natural state...:nono: I could be there for hours applying moisture and it probably still wouldnt get enough!!
I feel like its not entirely an illusion. I only say this because my hair is straight now and i have to apply moisture at least 1nce a day but it does LOOK more moisturized. one thing i will say about straight hair is that its easier to moisturize because the hair is flat and smoothing it provides even results.

i also want to note that straight hair can get weighed down alot easier than natural curly hair I also feel that when your hair is curly it is easier for it to dry out because its not sticking together as much... think about wet clothes sticking together and taking longer to dry vs clothes that are all separated.
I would say yes.

When my hair is relaxed bone straight it is so easy to keep moisturized a QUARTER sized amount will keep my hair happy for DAYS. It's amazing the difference.

A co-wash has more of a far reaching effect on bone straight hair than natural hair.

As do DCs, leave-ins, an styling products.
I think it does too. I'm going to co-sign the theories that when straight the oils can easily travel down the hair shaft.
I also say yes. I too noticed that my nautral oils travel down the hair's shaft faster when my hair is smoothed out or straight and my hair needs less moisturizer.
This is OT, but I live in the Atlanta area and am interested in this affordable salon. Are the prices good? How much do they charge to flat iron? I am about 3months post and would love to have my hair straightened but it is really hard for me to do it myself! :ohwell:

The prices are great...$10 for the flat iron. The rollersets, rollerwraps, are also $10. I got a roller set $10 (which turned out horribly) flat iron $10 (had too cause rollerset was puffy), and trim $5, for $25. And that was the best press/flat iron I have ever gotten. I can't wait to go back. Initially, I had intentions of doing a texlax corrective because my hair looks exactly the same, but after the salon visit, I figure I can just go there and get hooked up for $15 -$20!! This is the first time I thought I could maintain straight hair being natural, or semi-natural.
The prices are great...$10 for the flat iron. The rollersets, rollerwraps, are also $10. I got a roller set $10 (which turned out horribly) flat iron $10 (had too cause rollerset was puffy), and trim $5, for $25. And that was the best press/flat iron I have ever gotten. I can't wait to go back. Initially, I had intentions of doing a texlax corrective because my hair looks exactly the same, but after the salon visit, I figure I can just go there and get hooked up for $15 -$20!! This is the first time I thought I could maintain straight hair being natural, or semi-natural.

WOW! Would you mind please passing on the info for the salon? I would really like to try them out. I am thinking about relaxing at home now (trying to cut down on costs) and I think it may be a good idea to go to them after I do my relaxer. TIA!