Does soft hair equal thin hair??


Well-Known Member
Ok, so my whole life I have had a head full of thick hair....lately not so much. My regimen is simple, consisting of 1x wash and dc a week and protein every 6 weeks or so. I recently started airdrying my rollersets to try to lay off the heat because I don't like the amount of shredding/breakage I see on wash day. So with the DCing and semi daily moisturizing and sealing my hair feels really thin!! I used to never be able to fit my hair in clips and my hair would always seem puffy even after a It seems like I got a blowout or flat-ironed. When I air do a wng or twist out my hair does get I don't understand.... Is it thin or does the softness just make it seem thinner??

Does this happened to anyone else???....And what is the best way to plump up the strands without going protein overload???
Soft hair = moisturized hair. I *think* perhaps your hair wasn't as moisturized as it could be before you started air drying and your hair would puff up to try and get moisture from the air. Now that you're manually putting it in, it doesn't have to expand as much.

I believe Nonie twists on dry hair and dunks them in water to plump them up. You will see them shrink up a bit, though.
The softness probably makes it appear thinner just because it's more "pliable" and easy to control and to lay down into a style.

IMO softness = moisturized. Dry hair is hard and difficult to work with.

The word "thin" brings to mind few strands and you could have thin hair that is hard. Like if this brush were someone's hair, it would be considered thin but it's not soft:

While if one of the brushes below were someone's head, the hair'd be soft but definitely not thin:
Soft hair doesn't always = thinner hair. My hair is soft and thick.
I think what you may be experiencing is less damage/frizz.....just a thought.
Ok, I was hoping there was a good explaination for this, although I am not 100% convinced that my hair is as moisturized as it needs to be. I am texlaxed (7 weeks post) and there is still the feeling of "thiness" even with the NG. I definitely have some breakage going on so I need to incorporate some more protein somewhere.