Does size matter ?

if i'm watching HAIR videos, then he important thing on the video is the hair, regardless anything else. If i'm watching videos about fitness and diet, then and only then their body has to be f**ing awesome.
Honestly I look for sincerity, hair knowledge, and good hair tips. I hate watching vids that look rehearsed or where the person is winging it so bad that they can't complete a sentence. Fat or skinny, black white puerto rican or all the above, just be interesting and straight to the point, then maybe I'll stick around to watch your whole video.
i care about the hair and the attitude. if they never answer people's questions or reply to comments i unsubscribe. if they are rude i unsubscribe. a certain youtuber with nice long hair also bodybuilds and is into physical fitness. well she never answers any questions hardly and mad a pretty rude video as a backlash against some negative attention she was getting but she came off really rude in it...i immediately unsubscribed. it is not really about looks for me but i think that it is for most people.

i think the quality of the videos matters more to most people than the person's weight...
I honestly don't care. As long as they aren't doing something annoying (smacking their lips when they talk, rambling) and the lighting and picture quality is good, then I'll watch. I don't really see how your hair has anything to do with your weight, but I have noticed that the more physically attractive you are on YT, the more views you seem to get...but that's really not suprising :/
just throwing in there that a person can be overweight and very attractive at the same time, having a lot of subscribers and views as well. i noticed a lot of heavier women who do makeup tutorials having thousands of viewers...weight is not THE determining factor on facial attractiveness.
The only thing that matters to me is if their hair texture looks similar to mine. I won't even watch a video of someone with type 3 hair, and even 4a it toeing the line. If they seem to have a mixture, then maybe. I actually need to go a delete some subscriptions of some suspected 4a's lol.

Oh and to answer the question of the OP...No size does not matter