Does seeing other people abuse their hair

Mizz Diamonds

Well-Known Member
make you cringe?

So I was getting ready to braid my older sister's hair and it was about 75% dry and she told me to stop becasue her hair breaks a lot when it's not completly dry then proceeds to blowfry her hair and rakes a comb through it making hair fly everywhere causing a lot of break age and fly away then she says "There that's better." All the while I am cringing and :nono::nono::nono:
It doesn't make me cringe. If anything seeing other people abuse their hair makes me understand the importance of taking care of my own hair.
It does make me cringe also. Going to the hair salons or braiding shops I tend to noticed things that I want to say something. One time I went to a braiding shop w/ my friend and there was a woman getting a weave done. She was talking about how she relaxed her hair and put a texturizer in her hair all in one month b/c it grows so fast. Her hair was barely ear length and she put a permanent dye in her hair. Her edges were broken off but wanted her hairline braided up tight b/c it will look better. I'm listening and I'm talking to my friend about haircare and what help me grow my hair in hopes indirectly this woman would listen. I don't know if she listened or if she cared but listening to her made me cringed so bad.
no it doesn't make me cringe.....It makes me pay a little more attention to my own. But maybe if it was someone really close to me like a sister or someone I might...I haven't experienced this so not sure how I would feel...But I have seen random people that I work with etc be harsh on their hair and it really doesn't phase me to be honest
lol yea. one of my friends was ripping through her wet hair with a small comb and a blow dryer and i was like omg what are you doooooooooooooing lol. she said its the only way i can get thru it. her hair is all chewed up btw :nono:
I don't cringe at them abusing it right then and there, I cringe at the aftermath.
So if someone was dragging through their hair with a fine-tooth comb and later I see their hair broken up or I guess more broken up than before with uneven pieces just looking a HOT MESS, yes, then I will cringe then run away to give my hair some serious pampering. :look:
It REALLY bothers me and makes me uncomfortable:sad: I have been known to volunteer to take over styling...just so I don't have to witness someone giving themselves a setback.
I'm just starting my journey although I've been without a relaxer and weaving it up quite some time (almost 1 yr), I feel almost obligated to share what I have learned "lurking."

If they listen, great. I am even sharing my products with some friends. (I have turned into a PJ rather quickly).

But if they DON'T I just will have to show 'em what I'm working with when I'm at BSL:)
Definitely. My Mom is a self hair abuser no matter how many tips I give her she continues to do all the WRONG things to her hair. Consequently she is going's tough to watch but "meh dun chat":yep:
I hate it! Especially when its one of my close friends or family members... but I've learned to shut up about it because it seems a lot of people are stuck in their ways when it comes to hair...
Happened to me this weekend. I got my daughter's hair braided for camp; afterwards, I visited my sister and she asked if I could buy my neice a perm. I told her I couldn't and she didn't need a perm cause her hair is heavily damaged.(I mean, super dry, ragged,and breaking in certain spots) She was like, "well, I"ll just get her one tomorrow." I showed her my daughter's hair and offered to pay to get the neice's hair braided like my baby's. She obliged, but I'm scared she's not gonna take care of the braids(moisturize and covered at night).
Yes it makes me cringe and leave the room. No matter how many times show my daughter the proper hair care techniques she insist on doing whatever. She doesn't care.
I cringe every time my sister and my mother in-law tell me how they have to relax their hair every 3 weeks, because they like it bone-straight! :nono: They both, also apply the relaxer to their entire head of hair!
My mother in-law keeps the relaxer in her hair for over an hour!:burning: I don't know how she can stand it.

My sister's hair is type 3a, so she doesn't even have to deal with it being coarse. She says she doesn't like to feel the waves. :perplexed
Yes! Especially the braiding shop. I've seen a braider wash a woman's hair, then proceed to dye it black, then act confused when the dye didn't take. The woman's hair was thin beyond belief (and overprocessed), and the braider just braided it super-super tight, like till her scalp had that plastic thing going on. Not a good look.

It also makes me cringe whenever I see someone raking through dry-as-dirt hair with a small toothed comb; like, it sounds like a chip bag crumpling and they just keep going! And don't get me started on the burning the hair at the braiding shop--each time I see it, I frown a little inside.
I don't care when grown women abuse their hair, because at the end of the day that's a grown woman. She's capable of doing better. It really, really bothers me though when I see young girls with abused hair.
YES!!!! MY SIL was taking down some tracks that she had glued in her head. She was working the bond remover through with her fingers, but then got impatient and all you heard was "fffffwwwwpp!" (Imagine the sound of ripping a t-shirt off.) :look:

Without even realizing it, a SCREAM flew out of my mouth. (Well it was more like "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!) Her and DH looked at me like :look:.

I said "and you wonder why I will never, ever, EVER put that garbage in my hair?" :nono:

She said "aww sis, that wasn't my hair - that was just the glue." :yep:

I'm sitting there still looking at her like :perplexed . No ma'am. Wouldn't be me...:nono:
Yep. I hate it. My boyfriends picks out his fro dry. He refuse to put any type of moisturizer on it. Then there are little curly broken pieces all over the entire house. He wonders why he has been growing his hair out for almost a year and ive been transitioning for 4 months and my new growth is almost as long as his.
It doesn't bother me too much. When people decide they want to do better they will. It's up to them. I use to be one of them until I wised up. I hate to see kids with hair unkempt and isn't being cared for. I usually give the mama the side eye. If you don't care about your own hair that's one thing but when you don't do anything with your child's hair you're just setting her up for low self esteem.
There's a natural lady on YT who combs through her hair like a madwoman and when I saw it, I literally recoiled and had to shut her tutorial down. When I read her comments, others had noticed, too. She didn't seem to care at all.