Does Rollersetting Cause Breakage?

Poohbear said:
I can relate to what you said in what I put in bold. This happened with me when I did the baggie method and the ponytail method. So that's why I don't airdry my hair in a ponytail anymore because the hair that's not in a ponytail comes out hard, stiff, and dry. UGH! I don't know why it does that, I guess it's because of our hair texture. Btw, I only like doing braidouts on dry hair with S-Curl. My hair came out crispy for some reason when I did it on wet hair but some ladies on this board has had success with it. Best wishes to you and your hair! :)

Wow, Poohbear, that is a lot of work if you are rollersetting your hair each time you wash your hair. How often do you wash your hair?

I wish that I could do that, because I know that it is healthiest, but I just dont have the time to rollerset all the time. I could really only do that once a week.
tryn2growmyhair said:
Wow, Poohbear, that is a lot of work if you are rollersetting your hair each time you wash your hair. How often do you wash your hair?

I wish that I could do that, because I know that it is healthiest, but I just dont have the time to rollerset all the time. I could really only do that once a week.
every 2 weeks! so I'll only be setting my hair twice a month so it's not too much manipulation I dont think. ;)
Poohbear said:
every 2 weeks! so I'll only be setting my hair twice a month so it's not too much manipulation I dont think. ;)
I completely agree. See I do my hair every other day because of the workouts. I would love to switch to just doing it twice a week but my scalp itches too much if I dont.
+I used to get breakage like that before when i didnt put anything to seal im moisture like oils. My hair is naturally dry and with the added heat from the dome hair dryer, i think it caused my ends to break but now I no longer have that problem
glossyxlipz said:
+I used to get breakage like that before when i didnt put anything to seal im moisture like oils. My hair is naturally dry and with the added heat from the dome hair dryer, i think it caused my ends to break but now I no longer have that problem
Thanks, Glossylipz. I actually was not under the dryer, I did a combo ponytail/rollerset airdry. I wonder if the combination of coming and putting my hair into a ponytail AND THEN rolling the ends was just too much tension for my poor hair. I will try a full rollerset and let you all know what happens.
Update, I did a braidout and, again, the hair that was in the braids was silky and moisturized and the hair that was not in the braids -- i.e. the stump of the braids -- was dry.

This has led me to believe that I either have to 1) do cornrows or 2) do complete rollersets for my hair to airdry nice and moisturized.

I used the following:

1. Pantene Detangle Light
2. Rosewater
3. My homemade mixture of sheabutter/mangobutter (real mb not Elast QP MB, I hate that stuff)/olive oil/monoi coconut oil/grapeseed oil/safflower oil/jojoba oil
4. UBH moisturizer
5. Bumble and Bumble Leave in

I coated the braids with the last three products after already putting them in lightly along with the sprays during the combout.