Does product packaging affect your buying decisions?


Well-Known Member
Does product packaging have an impact on your decision to buy new hair products?

Nice packaging definitely makes it more eye-catching in a store. BUT if it doesn't have the right ingredients, no fancy packaging will make me buy (I prefer sleek and simple, not super colorful packaging like Giovanni Direct, Oyin Handmade, etc.).

If I know that a product is good because I've used it before or it has rave reviews, I will give it a shot even if the packaging isn't appealing.

However if I'm in-between and the packaging is ugly or annoying looking it will give me pause and make me less interested. I saw someone in the vendor review complain about the "cheap" packaging of one of the homemade lines.
Good question! I have passed on products because I did not care for how they are packaged. I almost passed up a good product due to that fact.
all day everyday..
If an item looks good and has good labelling (professional/snazzy colors).. I'd be more inclined to buy it then something that worked really well that was packaged shabbily...

I.e.. Megatek vs.. Lenzi's request :look:
Yes it does. I think I bought several bottles of Herbal Essences just for their pretty bottles and smells. It won't work forever, though. As pretty as those bottles are, ultimately I was like 'nah'. But a nice package might get me to at least try it.
Same here (especially for the Herbal Essences line). I don't know what it is about pretty colors and pretty smells.... kinda sad when I really think about it. Same goes for attractive and good-smelling people in the business world. lol but seriously. They're more likely to be hired before an ugly smelly person. It's just a fact of life.
I'm all about what's inside the can come wrapped in gold but if it has min oil in it then I am putting it back on the shelf, pretty package and all. :)
I concentrate more on ingredients but i have seen some packaging that my 5 year old could have done:look:. And i passed it up.
I'm really not sure.:look: I am into ingredients moreso than packaging.

Example: I didn't care for Texas Natural Supply's Containers, but their butters are great.:look:

And to be honest Hairveda or SheScentIt's Packaging isn't 'exceptional' but the Products are Great.:grin:

So, I guess, I am really not caught up in packaging.:look:
At the end of the day its matter how it works in my hair/ ingredients. But YES! I find that packaging does effect my decision at first, esp when I'm in a store with tons of product. Like for instance Garnier fructis I always found the packaging obnoxious and I stay away from that brand.
Most of my stuff does have quite pretty packaging. :blush: Not intentional though! :lol:

To be honest every product I buy I research it long and hard so I know the ingredients and how I can expect the product to work.
I will buy a product if I "know" if works (via reviews) and the packaging isn't that creative.

However, I will definitely 'try' a product based on the design, and, if I find out later it doesnt work I can always use it mixed with something else.

I am all about "eye candy" in products.:lick:
IMO...the package does not matter as long as it works. But like everyone, if it looks good I might be more inclined to buy it, if I never have heard about it.
only for natural products. before i buy, i always research to see if the product is worth it. i won't buy something simply because the packaging is cute (i.e., organix products :nono:)

i love the packaging of small natural product companies like Darcy's Botanicals. it shows that they take pride in their products & have a knack for good customer service.

when i see natural companies that package their products in dumpy opaque plastic bottles with paper lables thrown on, i wonder what else about their products they're willing to skimp on.
It's all about the whole package to me--ingredients, website, packaging, uses, reviews, customer service,etc.
I tend to gravitate towards products that come in a nice package. However, the second that pretty package does nothing to my hair I never buy it again. If the vendor is an internet business I'll cut them some slack as long as the product is good. I'm not expecting a mom and pop shop to compete with Revlon as far packaging is concerned.
The package may get my initial attention but then after looking at the ingredients I leave it in the store.
Part of my strong interest in buying QB is due to the clear jars in which she packages the products. For now, the price tag has kept me from bringing them home.
I saw a review of Afroveda on Youtube (one of the members here made it) and the butters came in these cool flip top jars. I went to the Afroveda website (ok also because it was a good review) and didn't see the cool jars. I stopped looking after that. :look:
I am a sucker for packaging that poetically explains a few of the key ingredients and what they are good for. For instance if it says something like "coconut oil to penetrate and smoothe hair, aloe vera to heal damaged hair, keratin to strengthen etc etc etc. I get all excited. LOL.
But other than that I try to judge the ingredients, and focus on ensuring the the top 6 ingredients are all good. Cause some products will have ULTRA MOISTURIZING flashing across the face of the bottle, and then when you read the ingredient list, its basically alot of chemicals and petrolateum. Yuk! moisturizing, my ***...
The package doesn't have the bottom say but it's the hook for a product and then your read the actual story (i.e ingredients) to see if you'll buy it.
I saw a review of Afroveda on Youtube (one of the members here made it) and the butters came in these cool flip top jars. I went to the Afroveda website (ok also because it was a good review) and didn't see the cool jars. I stopped looking after that. :look:

Someone gifted me an Afroveda DC and once I used it up, I kept the jar because it had a flip top. It is great for my JBCO/Castor oil mix. I am a sucker for products with containers I can re-purpose.
yeah.. i used to always pass up on LacioLacio because of the cheap dollar store looking bottle. boy oh boy.. im glad that i dont do that anymore...
I am not even going to lie, if it looks crute-yes crute- I am highly tempted to buy it. No matter if it has a long list of no-no ingredients in the list. Yes I know I gotta do better, lol.
Packaging does effect my buying decision, but it's more of a functional/practically thing than what it looks like. I prefer jars and squeeze bottles. Part of the reason I have a gallon of Salon Care conditioner half full from over a year ago is because the pumps gets clogged and I don't feel like dealing with it.
Sometimes I feel like if you didn't take the time to make the outside of the product look much time did you spend to make the inside good enough for my hair? So..I don't buy it.