Does Nail Growth Indicate Hair Growth?


New Member
My hair looks very healthy right now and my new growth came in very nice and soft but my nails seem to be getting shorter since I started taking MSM about a month ago!

They have broken off a lot, especially on one hand. I don't think I'm doing anything else different. Hair and nails are made of the same stuff, right? MSM is supposed to be enhance the growth of both hair and nails. I take B vitamins, iron and calcium/magnesium too as well as daily exercise and my diet is pretty healthy.

Any suggestions?
Hmmmm I am experiencing so much nail growth that I don't want coz I like mine short and neat -- I'd like to trade it in for that much hair growth.
I wonder that too, Isis. My nails seemed to b doing good at first. I've been taking MSM a lil over 2wks now and this wkend I broke the same nail on both hands

I'm feelin ya I want nails and hair....GREEDY?!
Thank you Debyjay and MoezThunder! Maybe the body just re-adjusts when taking MSM and maybe my nails will start growing in fast and strong, like Debyjay's nails! I hope so!
I've never equated the two, my hair has been long all of my life and I have never been able to grow my nails long... but we'll see now that I'm taking msm
When I first started my vitamin regimen my hair growth
really took off but my nails only seemed to get harder
but never grew fast like my hair I have noticed my nails
are growing more since increasing my silica intake.
Welcome Cocoabutterflyy!

Well, I'm glad to see you and Labett speak of your hair growing even though your nail growth rate didn't match. That means something else is at work with the hair and nails besides the keratin...
I find this a bit strange, my hair and finger nails are growing so fast but my toe nails don't seem to be growing any faster. I don't want long toe nails I'm just wondering why.
Well, I've had long nails my whole life; they grow sooo fast that I have to keep clipping them so they don't get too long, but my hair doesn't seem to
!! Maybe they're opposing... you know, like, if your nails grow fast your hair grows slow, and if your hair grows fast, your nails grow slow...
Speaking of toenails... thanks for bringing this up Brandy! My toenails are growing very long! I have to keep clipping them. I don't want long toenails either. Maybe that's a clue to something...
Lindy said:
Well, I've had long nails my whole life; they grow sooo fast that I have to keep clipping them so they don't get too long, but my hair doesn't seem to
!! Maybe they're opposing... you know, like, if your nails grow fast your hair grows slow, and if your hair grows fast, your nails grow slow...

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If they truly are opposing, there must be a way to turn this around or equalize the growth. I want to know why this happens at all. I'll have to do some research...
For me my nails and hair grow fast. For me it is genetics. I can cut my nails short at the beginning of the month and have long nails by the end of the month. My hair growth is not as fast but my hair grows fast if I moisturize it and leave it alone.
Both my hair and nails started growing faster once I started taking biotin. My nails grow faster than my hair anyway, so I noticed the difference in my nails first. Like if I break one, it'll be long again before I know it. I'm not letting them get TOO long cuz I need to be able to type and stuff. I can't wait till my hair gets so long I'm just cutting it to keep it out of the way
BlackCardinal said:
I can't wait till my hair gets so long I'm just cutting it to keep it out of the way

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I can't wait for the same thing!
hairlove said:
BlackCardinal said:
I can't wait till my hair gets so long I'm just cutting it to keep it out of the way

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I can't wait for the same thing!

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Ditto </font>